Chapter 92

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Louis carefully pushed open his son's bedroom door and popped his head in, not wanting to startle the 11 year old. And thankfully when he opened the door Cody looked up, probably sensing someone came into the room and stopped his homework.

Hey buddy, good day at school? He asked, offering his son a small smile as he made his way to sit on his bed.

"Surprisingly good." Cody said through a quiet laugh. "When pop said he could help with the whole bullying thing I didn't believe him." He said, biting his lip as he looked to his hands.

Louis tapped on his son's leg, wanting him to look up and when he saw his green eyes he offered him a small smile. He knows what it's like and I know that he wants to do everything he can so the same thing doesn't happen to you.

"Well today no one bugged me so that was good." Cody breathed out as he leaned against his headboard. "Hopefully for the next 6 years it'll stay like that."

What's been going on buddy? Are more people bothering you? Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows, thinking it was just the one older kid that was bugging his son.

Cody shrugged as he bit his lip and looked back down to his lap. "I don't know I think everyone in my year is trying to fit in or something. And to fit in it seems like the normal thing to do it bother the deaf kid." He muttered.

Louis' face fell as he looked at his son. He knew Cody never had any problems with kids his own age but this year that seems to have changed. What do they do? He asked, almost scared for the answer.

"Nothing big." Cody shrugged. "They just make it a point to get my attention before they start insulting me or something... And I've tried to just ignore them and not pick my head up but if I do that then they throw something at me or kick my chair." He said quietly.

Louis ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head, knowing he had to email Cody's teachers. Clearly they either weren't paying attention or didn't care enough to stop this, and anyone who was okay with that wasn't okay with Louis.

Don't worry big guy, I'll talk to your teachers and get all of this to stop. Louis signed, earning a small nod from his son. I came up here to see if you wanted to go to Al's school and watch the football game with me. Your pop is staying here with your younger siblings and you know Al will go off with all her friends so you and I can have a little time together. He offered with a small smile.

Cody looked at his dad for a moment, thinking about if he actually wanted to go or not and in the end because his father was giving him his puppy face Cody just had to say that he'd go.

"Fine." He breathed out through a small smile.

Louis grinned happily to himself, more than excited to spend some one on one time with Cody. Alright geneius, time to put the homework away and get your shoes on then.

Cody nodded and began picking up his math homework, only for his dad to take it from him and look at the sheets like a foreign language was written on them.

What the hell kind of math are you taking? Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's year 9 math, so that's algebra." Cody said as he took his papers back from his dad and put them in his folder.

Shit dude... Louis singed, making the 11 year old shake his head and laugh. And you're in year 8 English aren't you, you little smarty pants.

"Shut up." Cody groaned. "I swear I could be in year 10 English if they let me. What we read in class and the essays and everything are so easy I get bored."

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