Chapter 21

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"Lou!" Harry yelled from the kitchen.

Harry moved around the kitchen, trying to get everything done for dinner but Alexis was screaming from her crib and he just felt overwhelmed.

"Louis!" He yelled again when there was no response.

Harry huffed as his boyfriend still didn't respond so he walked out of the kitchen and was about to look in their bedroom for him but Harry saw him sleeping on the couch. Harry rubbed a hand over his face, not understanding how Louis could still be asleep through Alexis' cries and his yelling. He swore Louis just became a heavier sleeper once Alexis was born.

"Babe..." Harry said as he shook his boyfriend. "C'mon Lou, get up."

"What?" Louis grumbled as he turned away from Harry.

"I need you to get Al so I can finish dinner. Zayn and Perrie are gonna be here in a half hour and this place is a mess and dinner isn't even started." Harry huffed as Louis tried to go back to sleep.

Louis mumbled some incoherent words before slowly sitting up and swinging his legs off the couch. He shuffled passed Harry and towards the cries coming from the nursery.

As Louis went to get Alexis Harry went back to the kitchen, trying to get the potatoes in the boiling pot as well as get everything else for the soup. When the vegetables were all in he made his way into the living room to start tidying up.

Harry looked around the room and just muttered curses under his breath as Louis' things were strewn everywhere. He picked up Louis' school books and computer, as well as his notes that were taking up the entire coffee table. What Harry didn't understand was that Louis had all of his plates and cups on the floor by the coffee table instead of on it.

"God he's disgusting." Harry muttered as he picked up all of Louis' dishes.

"What was that love?" Louis asked, coming back into the living room with Alexis in his arms.

"I said you're disgusting." Harry said. "I mean seriously Lou is it so hard to just put your dishes in the sink?" He asked as he took the dirty plates and cups to the kitchen.

"Well when it's 2 am and I just finished a test or an essay I'm not really in the mood to wash dishes, sorry." Louis huffed.

"You don't have to wash them, just put them in the sink." Harry said slightly annoyed.

Louis rolled his eyes before taking a seat on the couch and turning on the tv.

"Don't wanna help?" Harry asked as he picked up some of Louis' clothes that were on the floor. He had no clue as to why they were even in the living room and not their bedroom. Then again their bedroom was a mess of Louis' clothes as well.

Louis groaned and threw his head back against the couch. "Not really." He said. "I'm sore from practice yesterday and I really don't want to move around."

"Well stop leaving your shit everywhere then." Harry muttered. "I'm sick of picking it up."

"H what is your problem?" Louis asked through furrowed eyebrows as he looked at his boyfriend.

"Nothing." Harry huffed barely loud enough for Louis to hear.

Louis kept his eyes locked on Harry as he picked up the flat, trying to put everything where it's supposed to go. He just shook his head before turning back to the tv and laying down with Alexis on his chest.


Zayn pulled up to the unfamiliar building and let out a deep breath as he got out of his car. He made his way inside and took off his beanie to make sure there wasn't any snow on it before putting it back on and heading towards the elevator.

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