Chapter 10

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Louis go get changed, my friend will be over for dinner soon." Jay said as she saw her son laying on the couch with Harry in joggers and tank top.

"And I have to look nice because?" Louis asked confused as he picked his head off of Harry's lap.

"Just do it, for me please." Jay asked with begging eyes. "Harry you're welcome to stay of course."

"That would be lovely Jay, thank you." Harry said sweetly.

"So just put on a fresh shirt love." Jay said as she smiled at the two boys and then retreated back into the kitchen.

Louis let out a huff before standing up and then offering his hand to Harry. "C'mon babe." He said.

Harry took his boyfriend's hand and walked up the stairs and to Louis' room. "Why is your mum being all mysterious about her friend?" He asked once the bedroom door was closed.

Louis shrugged before he pulled his tank top over his head and threw it in the hamper. "I don't know. Like she won't say he or she, she just says they." He said, agreeing with Harry and how his mum was acting kind of odd.

Louis pulled a grey graphic tee out of his dresser and pulled it on before walking over to the full length mirror and fixing his hair.

"Do it messy to the side." Harry said from Louis' bed. "You look good with it like that."

Louis scoffed. "I look good no matter what my hairstyle is." He said through a chuckle.

Harry hummed his agreement as he laughed at his boyfriend. "Yeah you do."

Louis smiled over at Harry before winking at him and then walking towards the bed to give him a tender kiss.

"You might want to change your shorts too." Harry said when they released the kiss.

Louis let out an annoyed huff before walking over to his dresser and pulling out black shorts. "You just want to see me undress that's what this really is." He said teasingly as he pulled off his joggers.

Harry nodded and chuckled quietly to himself as he watched his boyfriend. A second later the doorbell rang and both Louis and Harry perked their heads up.

"Time to go see who this mystery person is." Louis said as he buttoned his shorts.

Harry pushed himself off of Louis' bed and walked out the door as Louis held it open for him and headed down stairs. Harry got to the bottom first, but Louis scootched passed him to see who was at the door. When he turned, Louis was met with a sight he wasn't prepared for.

"Who are you?" Louis asked protectively as he saw his mum kiss some man 'hello'.

"Louis be polite." Jay scolded. "Dan this is my son Louis, sweetheart this Dan." She introduced.

Louis eyed the man in front of him as Dan offered his hand to shake.

"It's great to finally meet you, I've heard lots of great things." Dan said through a smile.

Louis took his hand and shook it politely. "Wish I could say the same." He muttered quietly as he looked towards his mum. Louis dropped his hand and then turned around to Harry. "This is my boyfriend Harry." He said.

Dan smiled at the curly haired boy and just like he had with Louis he offered him his hand. "Yeah, I've heard a lot about you too. Jay talks about you almost like a second son."

As Harry shook his hand a warm smile came to his face. "Oh, um thank you." He said sheepishly.

As they dropped their hands the foyer became silent and Louis just looked between his mum and Dan before grabbing Harry's hand and nearly dragging him up the stairs. Harry was surprised at Louis' sudden burst but followed him into his bedroom and looked at him curiously as he paced around his room. Harry closed the door and then turned back to his boyfriend who was at a loss for words.

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