Chapter 48

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Louis picked up his fogged glasses from the hotel bathroom counter and put them on before lazily wrapping a towel around his waist. He pulled the door open and ran his hands through his wet hair as he walked over to his suitcase and tried to find something to wear.

But a moment later he heard a knock at the door and Louis let out a deep breath because he was early.

Louis should've guessed though. The older lad always had a tendency to be ten minutes early to everything.

Nevertheless though he still walked over to the door and as soon as he opened it he saw the familiar light brunette haired boy.


Louis chuckled to himself as Jake threw himself at him and he couldn't help but wrap his arms around his uni mate. "I haven't seen you in forever mate." He breathed out since the older lad was crushing him.

"Oh my God I know it's been forever." Jake gushed as he released Louis and chuckled at him as he saw him in just a towel. "Sorry I know I came early but I was just excited to see you." He said sheepishly.

"No it's fine mate." Louis said through his own smile as he let Jake inside the room. "I should've figured you'd be early anyway."

Jake shrugged and chuckled to himself as he threw himself on the king size bed in the middle of the room. "Got your own room here, this is awesome." He said as he looked around.

"Yeah I was gonna share with my mate Marcus but I guess my coach wanted me to have my room or somethin." Louis said as he pulled some clothes out of his suitcase. "Said that cause I'm captain I need my own space or some shit, I don't know. But whatever." He mumbled as he threw on a white undershirt.

Jake chuckled to himself as he sat up on the bed and smiled at his mate. "I'm happy I called you man. When I found out you guys were gonna be in Italy I freaked. Can't wait to catch up and everything."

"I know mate you have no idea how stoked I was to hear that you were here." Louis said as he pulled on a button down. "What are you even doing here?" He asked through a chuckle. "All you said was that you were on break."

"Yeah I was given a month vacation from my law firm and I decided to go on an impromptu trip to Italy." Jake said happily. "Then I found out your team was comin for some games and I wasn't not gonna try to see you!"

"Crazy how things work out like that." Louis said through a chuckle as he pulled on a pair of briefs, followed by a pair of black dress pants.

"You look great by the way mate." Jake said as he swung his legs off the bed. "Lookin really fit. I remember in uni that you always had a belly but now look at you." He said through a chuckle. "You got yourself a real six pack and everything. The pros are really doin you some good."

"Were you checking me out while I was changing?" Louis teased as he buttoned his shirt.

"Maybe only a little bit." Jake teased back through a chuckle.

Louis smiled at him and rolled his eyes playfully before looking for his black suit jacket and pulling it on.

"Look at that you're even getting all dolled up for me." Jake said jokingly as Louis walked over to the mirror and fixed his hair.

"I have to step up my game if I'm gonna be seen out with you." Louis said as he sent a playful wink to the older lad, making him put his hand over his chest like that was the nicest compliment he's ever received.

"Always quite the charmer." Jake said through a chuckle as he pushed himself off the bed. "You ready to go? I'm starving." He whined dramatically.

Louis laughed to himself and made sure he had his phone and wallet in his pocket before looking for his hotel key card. "Some things never change you whiney little baby." He said as he opened the door for the older lad and followed him out of the room.

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