Chapter 26

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"No, no, no!! Harry stop!!" Louis yelled as his boyfriend chased him around the backyard of the nursery with a water balloon in his hand.

"We've got him cornered! Alright everyone on three! One... Two... Three!!" Harry yelled to all the kids.

A second later Louis was pelted with about 20 water balloons as all the kids threw them at him. He was grateful all the kids were so young because it didn't hurt when the balloons hit him.

"Alright, alright!" Louis said as the never ending throwing continued.

All the kids stopped and Louis let out a deep breath as he looked down at himself. He was happy that he took off his shirt when they went outside to play because it was so hot, but then Harry just had to show up with water balloons and squirt guns. Louis didn't know it was only going to be him who got wet though.

But Louis was struck with one more water balloon right in the chest and when he looked up he saw Harry looking at him innocently as he rocked Alexis on his chest.

"If you weren't holding my daughter I would tackle you right now." Louis muttered through a smile. "Alright kiddos listen up." He said, clapping his hands together to get their attention. "How many of you guys have your bathing suits?"

Most of the kids raised their hands excitedly and Louis nodded as he looked around the yard, hoping that the pool he had set up was big enough for them.

"Okay so why don't you guys go inside with Miss Sophia and she'll help you guys get into them?" Louis said, making most of the kids run inside to get changed. "The rest of you can either go inside and play or play out here."

The kids didn't even respond they just started running towards the swings and jungle gym. Louis chuckled as he watched them before turning to Harry.

"You bring your bathing suit?" Louis asked.

Harry shrugged. "No but I'll just wear my shorts in and take my shirt off. By the way did Elizabeth buy the pool?" He asked looking at the large blown up pool.

"Oh, no I did. I thought it'd be fun for the kids ya know? Every day was kind of the same routine and Soph offered the idea to Elizabeth cause you know she left Soph and I in charge over the summer. But Elizabeth couldn't afford one so I just picked one up and filled it yesterday." Louis explained as he pulled up his soaking wet workout shorts on his hips.

Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes as he adjusted Alexis on his hip. "Of course you did." He said before pecking his boyfriend's lips.

"Thanks for ambush by the way." Louis joked.

"Hey the kids enjoyed it and I know you did too, so don't complain." Harry said through a chuckle.

"Mr. Louis let's go swimmin!!" Clare screamed as she ran outside.

Louis smiled at Harry one more time and kissed him quickly before running towards Clare and scooping her up. She burst into a fit of giggles as Louis ran with her towards the pool and once he got there he put her down, jumped in himself and then opened his arms up for Clare to jump in after him. Clare didn't even waste a second before she jumped into the pool and into Louis' arms.

"Good job sweetheart!" Louis said through a laugh as he caught Clare. "You know how to swim? He asked.

"Yeah!" Clare said happily.

Louis smiled at her because she really was the cutest kid, especially with her floaties on as she splashed around the pool.

When the 7 other kids came out they all had floaties and their swimsuits on and immediately they jumped in the pool. Sophia had come out of the building and was playing with all the kids who didn't have swimsuits. Harry had come in the pool with Alexis and the little girl couldn't keep the smile off her face as she kicked around the pool as she was in her father's arms.

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