Chapter 60

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Cody was waiting patiently as he watched his daddy shuffle the cards. He let out a quiet breath and could see his father give him a sympathetic smile as they've been doing this for almost an hour.

Okay buddy let's try again. Remember to try and say it and if you can't say it, sign it. Louis signed before picking up the stack of cards and showing his son the first one.

"Eat." Cody said as he easily recognized the word on the card.

Louis nodded and smiled at his son, more than happy that he was learning small words at such a young age. His therapy really was working but of course they had to put in some practice.

"Daddy." Cody whined as his father was taking too long to go to the next card.

Sorry. Louis signed quickly before moving on.

"Li!" Cody said excitedly as he saw a picture of his uncle on the card.

Louis tapped Cody's leg to get his attention and pointed to his mouth for him to pay attention. "Liam." He said slowly, trying to get the 2 year old to say his full name.

"Li-um." Cody said just as slowly and when his father smiled at him he knew he did it right.

Can you say uncle? Louis asked, knowing Cody has been struggle with that particular word.

Cody let out a quiet breath and shook his head as he looked to his lap.

Okay that's fine. Maybe we can try to learn that one later. Louis signed as he offered his son a small smile. He moved onto the next card and showed it to Cody but it was obvious that he wasn't interested in this at all. Want to do something more fun?

"Peas." Cody almost begged.

Go get all the blankets and pillows from your room. Louis signed as he got an idea.

Cody looked at his father quizzically before he watched him run down the hall and into his bedroom. So Cody giggle to himself before following him down the hall but going across the hall from his daddies room and into his own bedroom. He pulled himself over his crib railing and began throwing every single blanket and pillow he had in there.

"Daddy!! Help!" Cody yelled as he realized that he couldn't get out of his crib now that pillows and blankets were all over the floor and he might hurt himself.

Louis came rushing into his son's bedroom and couldn't help but laugh at him as he saw the 2 year old with one leg over his crib railing and holding onto the sides for dear life. He walked over to Cody and carefully picked him up and put him down.

Bring your blankets and pillows to the living room! Quick, it's important!! Louis signed excitedly before running out of the 2 year old's room.

Cody laughed and picked up all the blankets and pillows he could carry before running down the hall and following his father. "Daddy here!" He said as he ran into the living room and saw a massive pile of blankets, pillows and cushions.

He dropped the items he had in his hands before looking around for his daddy, but he couldn't find him.

Louis couldn't help but smile to himself as he jumped out from under the mountain of blankets and pillows, scaring Cody only a second before the 2 year old started laughing like mad. He pulled his son into his chest and into the mountain of blankets and pillows, only making Cody laugh harder.

"Daddy no!!" Cody yelped as his father began tickling him.

Louis laughed to himself but stopped anyway as he saw his breathless son laying in his arms. Buddy how about we make a fort? He asked with raised eyebrows.

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