Chapter 11

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Louis pressed his cell phone to ear, praying that Liam answered. "C'mon mate." He muttered as the line continued to ring.


"Li! I have a favor to ask you!" Louis rushed into the phone.

"Oh um, okay what is it Lou?" Liam asked.

"Can I borrow your truck tonight?" Louis pleaded.

Liam thought about it and he wasn't too sure he trusted Louis with his truck. "I dunno mate... What are you using it for?" He asked.

"I'm planning something for Harry but I need your truck, my car just won't work for it." Louis said into the phone.

Liam rubbed his hand over his face and thought about it some more. "Lou you don't even know how to drive it."

"Liam please." Louis begged. "Summer is almost over and uni starts soon and I just wanted to do something special, please."

Liam could hear how desperate Louis was and he thought it was nice that it was something for Harry. "I guess." He said through a huff. "If you wreck it I'll kill you." Liam said seriously.

"Thank you so much mate!! You have no clue how much this means to me!" Louis gushed into the phone. "So is it okay if I pick it up in like an hour? And I can just leave my car at your house in case you need to go anywhere."

"Sure Lou, that sounds fine." Liam said, still a bit weary about letting Louis use his truck.

"Great! I'll see you in an hour!" Louis said before hanging up the phone.

Louis shoved his phone in his pocket and smiled widely to himself as he was actually able to go through with his plans. He quickly looked around his room and began to think of everything he would need. Louis grabbed blankets, pillows and bug spray, and he would pick up some food later while Harry was with him. He thought about it and figured he should probably shower since he just had practice. Louis was now training with the Manchester Uni football team and he loved how vigorous they trained. It sure wasn't high school anymore and he could already feel himself getting better. The only flaw was the team's captain, no one liked him as he was the biggest arse anyone had ever met, just completely full of himself. Other than that Louis loved every second of it, and he only dreamed of what it would be like to train with the pros.

As Louis hopped into the shower he felt his sore muscles nearly wash away. All the hard work he put into practice seemed to just melt as the hot water ran over him.

When Louis hopped out of the shower he felt clean and refreshed as he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out of his bathroom in search of clothes.

"Hey Lou."

Louis jumped at the all too familiar deep voice and turned to see Harry laying on his bed. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he walked over to his dresser.

"Well it's nice to see you too." Harry said through a chuckle.

Louis smiled over at him before he looked back down at his dresser. "I didn't mean it like that, I just didn't know you were coming over."

"Yeah, well Niall is at my house so I didn't really want to be there."

Louis nodded in understandment as he found the outfit he wanted and dropped his towel and put on his briefs. "I was just about to call you anyway so I guess this works out too." He said through a small chuckle.

Harry hummed as he watched his boyfriend, not really listening to what he was saying. "Sorry what?" He asked.

Louis smiled at his boyfriend before he pulled on his baby blue colored shorts and his grey marvel graphic tee. "I said I was going to call you. Since you're here though we have a couple errands to run."

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