Chapter 12

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The fall came quickly and before both boys knew it they were back in school. The only difference was that Louis went to Uni while Harry was still going to high school. They easily got into the routine of Louis picking Harry up and taking him to school even though his classes didn't start until 10 or 11, he did it just to see his boyfriend in the morning. Depending on Louis' schedule he would sometimes take Harry out to lunch and then bring him back to school as he went home, or went to the pitch to practice footie. At the end of the day Louis was always waiting in his car for Harry outside the high school, ready to take him home.

Harry was constantly asking why Louis did this and the answer was simple. Louis hated not being able to see Harry as much as he used to, so now he did everything in his power to see him. Louis found himself busy with his classes and the work that came with them along with footie practice and his new role as striker and team captain he felt himself training harder than he ever had before in his life, leaving him exhausted. But seeing Harry made his days ten times better.

Before either of them knew it their one year anniversary was rolling around, leaving both of them in a mess of what to do for each other.

"Mum what am I supposed to do?!" Harry said as he paced his living room in annoyance.

Anne shrugged. "Why don't you cook for him?" She offered.

"I already did that for his birthday last year." Harry huffed.

"Well I don't know love. What does he like?" She asked.

"Football and singing and playing guitar and movies and eating food that isn't good for him." Harry listed off.

Anne chuckled lightly to herself before taking a sip of her tea. "I don't see the problem in having him come over here and you two can have the house to yourselves, and make a meal." She said through a shrug.

"Mum." Harry whined. "I don't want to do something I've already done." He complained. "He deserves something better than that."

"Harry I really think that, that is your best option right now." She said.

Harry grumbled to himself as he threw his body on the couch next to his mum. "Okay, so let's say I was going to cook. What would I make?" He asked.

"What's his favorite food?" Anne asked.

"He likes soda and cookie dough." Harry said.

Anne chuckled before combing her fingers through her son's hair. "I mean actual food."

"Pizza." Harry huffed.

"Well there's something you can do with that." Anne said as she smiled happily to herself.

Meanwhile at the Tomlinson house...

"Mum did it come yet?!" Louis yelled from his bedroom.

"Wait! I had it in my hands two seconds ago!" Jay said looking around the kitchen, knowing she just placed the little box down. "Here sweetheart take this to your brother." She said to Daisy.

The three year old took the small box and wobbled up the stairs and to Louis' room, handing him it with a toothed grin.

"Here Boo!" She said happily.

"Thanks sweetheart." He said as he took the box and kissed her on the head before retreating into his room.

He sat down at his desk chair and looked inside the little box, smiling happily to himself as he saw the gift. Louis knew Harry would love it, at least he hoped he would love it.

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