Chapter 14

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Louis could hear the faintest sound of an alarm going off and without opening his eyes he reached over and turned his phone off, silencing the sound. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing his hands over his face, trying to wake up just a little bit. Louis swung his legs over his bed and stood up, cracking his back and picking at his boxers before making his way down the stairs to the kitchen. As he walked onto the cold wood floors of his house he realized he probably should've had on something other than just his briefs. Louis made his way to the fridge and opened it, squinting his eyes into the light before grabbing the milk carton and opening it, taking a big gulp right from it.

"Louis William Tomlinson if you are drinking from that carton so help me God..." Jay warned.

Louis gulped and wiped the milk that was around his mouth before closing the carton and putting it back in the fridge. He didn't even see his mum sitting at the kitchen table when he walked in. "Um no." He muttered before closing the fridge.

"Mhm." Jay said from her seat at the kitchen table. "What are you doing up so early anyway? It's the weekend and normally I don't see you until noon." She said before taking a sip of her tea.

"Harry and I have the doctors appointment today and afterwards we're seeing a couple flats." Louis said before grabbing a granola bar from the pantry.

"You are planning to get dressed before going out right?" Jay asked through a chuckle.

Louis looked down and saw that of course he was just wearing his briefs. Of all days his mum decided to get up early. "Yeah, I guess I could do that." Louis joked.

"What time are you heading out?"

Louis turned around to look at the clock on the stove. "In about a half hour." He said with a shrug.

"Alright sweetheart, well call me and tell me how the appointment goes and when you look at flats don't sign anything until Anne or I check it over. Those people renting out spaces can be real crooks." She warned.

"Will do mum." Louis said before kissing her head and jogging up the stairs.

When Louis got to his room he made quick work of finding a pair of black shorts and a t-shirt before going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth. Too lazy to even bother with his hair Louis walked over to his closet and pulled out a beanie, placing it on his head so just a bit of hair was out in front. Louis grabbed a light zip up sweatshirt before grabbing his keys, wallet and cellphone off his desk and heading out his bedroom door.

"Alright mum I'll call you after the appointment and I'll text when I'm on my way home. I don't know what time I'll be coming back." Louis said as he got to the kitchen where his mum was still sitting at the table.

"Okay dear, I'll see you later." Jay called after her son as he headed to the foyer.

Louis walked out the front door and hopped down the steps before getting into his car and turning it on. He pulled out of his driveway and made the quick drive to Harry's house. As Louis drove he noticed how the flowers were coming out and spring was finally here as April was nearly in it's third week. Louis pulled up to harry's house and just parked the car without turning it off before getting out and walking to the door. He walked into the home and was headed towards the stairs to Harry's room but already found the younger lad in the kitchen.

"Hey love, ready to go?" Louis asked before pecking his boyfriend's lips.

"Yeah." Harry said as he put the bowl he was eating out of in the sink. "And thank you for being awake and on time. I was worried you would sleep through your alarm." He said through a chuckle as he turned back to Louis.

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