Chapter 31

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Louis kept his head down and a firm hand on Harry's waist as flashing lights were going off all around them. He had figured that the paps caught on to his and Harry's date night at Scotti's every other weekend so of course they decided to come and barricade the doors as the pair showed up. But luckily some of the staff from the restaurant held the paps off enough so Louis and Harry could get inside the building.

"They do know we're just going to dinner right?" Harry asked as they were being led to their usual table.

"Babe at this point we could just be sitting and doing nothing and they'd still want our picture." Louis said through a chuckle as he pulled out Harry's chair for him.

Harry hummed his agreement as he placed his napkin in his lap and Louis got situated in his own seat. They didn't even need to look over the menu as they had decided to just get the special that was being served tonight since they've tried everything on their menu already.

"So we have a really busy day tomorrow. There's the cake tasting, we're meeting with the florist and then later you are going with Liam and Zayn to get your guys' suits." Harry said, laying everything out for Louis.

"Why am I not getting my suit with you?" Louis asked confused as he picked up a piece of bread from the basket.

"Because I don't want us to see each other in our suits until the wedding." Harry said like it was obvious.

Louis rolled his eyes fondly at his fiancé and just shook his head as he chuckled to himself. "Okay princess." He teased.

"Shut up." Harry muttered through a smile. "But do you think you can handle all of that?"

Louis nodded as he chewed his bread. "Where's Al gonna be?"

"Gem, Perrie, Soph and your sisters are all getting their dresses and talking about hair and makeup and all that stuff." Harry said as he waved his hand. "They're taking Al to make sure her dress fits and everything."

"She's gonna be so freaking cute." Louis said with his mouth full.

Harry nodded his agreement as Tanner came up to their table to get their orders. Louis just asked for whatever specials they were having and ordered them their appetizer along with it. Tanner nodded at the pair happily and made his way to the kitchen to put their orders in.

"Wait when are you getting your suit then?" Louis asked as Tanner walked away.

"I'm getting mine the day after tomorrow. Ni is coming with me too." Harry explained.

Louis chuckled to himself. "Niall the maid of honor."

Harry rolled his eyes as Louis was constantly saying that Louis was his 'bride'. "First of all thats not true and second of all shut your mouth." He huffed.

"Oh right, right Gem is your maid of honor I'm sorry." Louis continued to tease as he laughed to himself.

"You suck." Harry muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Louis smiled at Harry before nudging his foot under the table. "C'mon I'm just playing." He said through a quiet laugh. "Harreh I love you." Louis said, trying to make Harry smile.

And of course even with Harry biting his lip and not looking at his fiancé he couldn't help but let a grin come to his lips. "I hate you." Harry said through his smile.

"Mhm I'm sure." Louis said as she smirked over at Harry.

After the pair bickered for another 5 or so minutes Tanner brought them their wine and appetizer. Louis immediately dug in and only opened his mouth to speak when he had eaten 4 of the 6 egg rolls.

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