Chapter 34

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To say everyone looked shocked as to what Louis had just said would be an understatement. They looked between the pair with slacked jaws before Niall broke the silence and burst into hysterical laughter.

"I knew you would knock him up on the honeymoon!! Zayn pay up!!" Niall said as he tried to get his breathing under control from laughing too hard.

Zayn rolled his eyes and went into his jeans pocket, pulling out 20£ from his wallet and passing it to Niall who took it with a wide smile plastered on his face. "That's awesome guys, congrats." Zayn said as he smiled to himself and stood up to hug his best mates.

The rest of the room came out of their shocked states and immediately began giving their own congratulations to the pair. They all stood up to hug them and the room was all smiles at the thought of another baby joining their family. Anne had been the first to hug her son, beyond happy for him and Louis, followed by Gemma who made fun of Harry as he was more settled than he was with a job, husband and kids already. But Alexis out of everyone was more excited once her daddy's explained what was happening. She jumped and clapped at the thought of being a big sister like how aunt Gemma was a big sister to her papa, making wide smiles come to Louis and Harry.

Niall, Liam and Zayn of course had to crush Louis and Harry in a group hug, followed by Perrie and Sophia, not believing they were going to be uncles and aunts to another little Tomlinson.

"H when did you even find out?" Niall asked as he jumped excitedly.

"Just two days ago. You have no clue how awful it was to keep it from Lou." Harry said as he wrapped an arm around his husband and pulled him into his side.

"Best birthday gift ever." Louis said through a chuckle before he leaned in and kissed Harry sweetly.

"This is so awesome! I'm so happy for you guys!!" Liam said as he hopped in place, excited to have a another little baby around.

"Yeah, it's gonna be so fun having a baby around again." Perrie said through a smile.

"Excuse me, sorry guys." Jay said as he tapped on her son's shoulder. "Sweetheart can I talk to you for a second?" She asked.

Louis bit his lip and nodded as he recognized that tone before kissing Harry one more time and following his mum. He looked around the room and saw that Alexis was desperately trying to get Zayn's attention and she got it easily enough so he knew his daughter was in good hands for the moment.

Jay led him into the kitchen away from everyone and once they were in there she turned to him and let out a small breath. "Lou-" Jay began but Louis quickly interrupted her.

"Don't." He said with a touch of anger in his voice. "Don't you dare try to lecture me right now, you have no reason."

"Louis I'm not, I'm just checking to make sure that this is what you really want. You're both so young, Harry isn't even 21 yet and he's pregnant again... It's just-"

"Mum I'm married! We have a kid, I have a steady job and so does Harry! This is what I want and I don't understand why you always do this!! Why can't you be supportive?!" Louis said raising his voice.

"Louis please calm down." Jay said as she didn't want everyone to hear. "I just want to make sure you're happy, I'm your mum it's my job to check in on you every once in a while. I am supportive but I want to make sure you're okay."

"If I wasn't okay or happy I would tell you. The only thing making me unhappy right now is you. I mean really mum what is your problem?" Louis asked annoyed.

"I don't have a problem Louis. It's just that you're both so young and jumping into things too quickly without thinking about what will happen afterwards. You're still getting used to playing with the pros and Harry is taking more hours at work-"

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