Chapter 16

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"Harry you ready to go?" Louis yelled as he finished his cereal and put his bowl in the sink.

"Yeah." Harry said as he rushed into the living room, pulling his backpack over his shoulder.

Louis made sure he had his keys, wallet, phone and guitar before pulling his shoes on and opening the door for Harry. Once Harry was out the door he closed it and locked it before following Harry to the elevator. As soon as they stepped into it Louis left out a deep breath as they had left on time.

"I'm sure all the kids with love you Lou, don't worry about it." Harry said through a small smile as he saw how nervous his boyfriend was for his first day of work.

"I don't know Haz five-year-olds can be the most judgemental people you come across." Louis said through a chuckle.

Harry laughed to himself as the elevator doors opened and he and Louis made their way out to the parking lot.  As they got into the car Harry threw his bag in the back seat and buckled himself in as Louis placed his guitar next to Harry's backpack.

"How long does it take to get from my school to the nursery?" Harry asked once they were on the road.

"About ten minutes." Louis said, keeping his eyes locked on the road.

Harry nodded and looked to the clock seeing it was 6:35. He had to get to school at 7 and Louis had to get to work at the same time, but Harry didn't mind getting to school early. "What's the guitar for?" He asked noticing Louis brought it with him.

Louis glanced in the back seat before looking back at the road. "I told Elizabeth I can sing and play guitar and I thought it would be fun to do it with the kids." He said happily.

"Oh that's so cute." Harry said through a smile.

Louis' own grin dropped immediately as he glared over at his boyfriend and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He muttered. "But hopefully they'll all like it."

"Maybe if they have other like little instruments there you could make it kind of interactive. Have them bang on a drum or something." Harry suggested.

Louis nodded thinking that wasn't a bad idea at all. "So I'll try to get you right after work, I'm sorry you have to wait like 15 minutes." He said knowing Harry got out of school at 2:45 and Louis got out of work at 3.

Harry shrugged. "It's fine, I'll just do a little bit of homework in the library or something." He said.

"Alright." Louis said quietly as he pulled up to the schools parking lot. "Here we are love." He said as he parked the car in front of the entrance. "Have a good day, I love you." Louis said before he kissed Harry quickly.

"Love you too." Harry said through a small smile as he reached for his backpack and opened the car door. "Have a good first day." He said happily.

Louis grinned back at him before giving him a final wave and pulling away, heading towards the nursery.

When Louis pulled up to the nursery he let out a deep breath before hopping out of the car, grabbing his guitar and heading towards the front door. As he walked through the door he was met with cool air, getting a break from the warm June temperatures.

"Good morning Louis." Elizabeth said happily as she saw the younger lad. "I see you brought your guitar."

"I did." Louis said through a smile as he walked further into the building. "Is there anywhere in particular you want me to put it?" He asked.

"You can put it by my desk in the corner there dear." Elizabeth said pointing to the other side of the room. "I want to show you a bit around before the kids get here." She said as Louis put his guitar down.

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