Chapter 13

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Louis shrugged on his light jacket as it was coming to the end of the month and spring felt like it was just around the corner. As he made his way to his car he couldn't believe how fast time was flying by. He and Harry were another year older, they spent another New Years together and everything was going great.

Louis hopped into his car and turned it on before backing out of his driveway and heading towards the school to pick Harry up for lunch. This was Louis' day off from school and today Harry didn't have many classes so they tended to take full advantage of the empty houses and free afternoons.

As Louis drove he hummed to himself happily along with the radio and after driving for a few minutes he pulled into his old high school and saw Harry waiting outside the building.

Harry got up from where he was sitting on the steps outside and smiled to himself as he saw Louis' car pull up. He opened the door and threw his backpack into the backseat before getting comfortable in the seat.

"Hello love." Louis said through a smile before leaning over the console and kissing his boyfriend sweetly.

"Hey." Harry mumbled against his lips, making Louis smile into the kiss.

"So where do we want to go today?" Louis asked before putting the car in drive and pulling out of the school parking lot.

"I'm feelin a good sandwich." Harry said staring out the windshield.

"You're not missing anything today right?" Louis asked, just double checking that Harry didn't have any important classes.

"Just gym. The rest of my day is free." Harry said happily.

"Great." Louis said through a smile a he reached over and grabbed Harry's hand. "So sandwiches, we can just go to the cafe on Madison." He said.

Harry nodded. "Sounds good, I don't want like a full meal, I'm not that hungry."

"Okay love, well I'm feeding you no matter what. But we can just do something small before going back to my house." Louis said softly, squeezing his boyfriend's hand.

Harry smiled to himself at the sound of that. The two boys boys made their way to the cafe and when they were there Louis quickly found a parking spot and hopped out of the car, opening the door for Harry and then grabbing his hand and leading the younger lad towards the door. They made their way up the counter and looked at the menu above them before looking at the guy waiting patiently to take their order.

"Hey mate can I get a chicken club and a water?" Louis asked, pulling out his wallet. "What about you love?" He asked looking to Harry.

"I'll just have the same." Harry said.

The guy behind the counter nodded and wrote it down before giving Louis the total. Louis paid for both meals and then took Harry's hand to go and find a place for them to sit.

"Going back to water now that the season is starting up again?" Harry asked through a chuckle as they sat down.

Louis nodded with a smile on his face as he shrugged his light jacket off. "Yeah, I mean now that we're starting back up again I want to be in the best shape I can be." He said. "Plus these games are more important than the other ones cause those were like scrimmages. But these the pro coaches look at and I want to make a good first impression and everything." Louis explained, already nervous for the upcoming games.

"Babe if you haven't noticed you already have. I mean you're captain and striker as a freshman. No pro coach is gonna overlook that." Harry said.

Louis shrugged. "I don't know, I mean I still need to do my best."

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