Chapter 76

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"Papa stop." Cody groaned as his father rubbed yet another layer of sunscreen on his face.

Harry wasn't going to stop no matter how much his son begged. It was boiling hot outside and he knew the sun would be attacking all day so he wasn't taking any chances.

"Haz I need help with this." Louis said as he took the back baby carrier from the trunk.

He knew carrying Rosie on his back was going to be torturous in this weather but he would prefer if his babygirl wasn't walking around in the woods as she was still wobbly on her feet at times.

"Gimme one sec." Harry said as he checked over Cody and made sure he covered every square inch of him. "Alright love, you just need help putting it on?" He asked as he walked over to the older lad.

Louis nodded as he unfolded the carrier. "Can you just make sure it's set up properly on my back?" He asked as he pulled the straps over his shoulders and buckled the latch over his chest.

Harry helped Louis make sure it the carrier was secure on his back before deeming it safe enough for Rosie and fetching the 1 year old. "C'mere love." He said as he picked the toddler up and brought her over to Louis.

Louis made sure to stand still as Harry was getting Rosie situated in the seat and buckled her in. The younger lad checked her over and made sure she wouldn't be going anywhere before telling Louis she was okay.

"Thanks love." Louis said before pecking is husband's lips and adjusting the straps of the carrier on his shoulders.

"Papa how long is the hike?" Alexis asked as she pulled on her own backpack.

"We'll probably be walking for about 45 minutes and we'll have lunch before heading back. And it's a nature walk so it shouldn't be too hard but we'll see some cool animals hopefully." Harry said as he pushed his fingers through the front of his curls and pulled his snapback on.

"Like bears?" Alexis as a bit nervously.

Harry chuckled to himself as he shook his head. "No love, like birds or maybe some deer."

Alexis let out a relieved breath, more than happy they wouldn't be seeing any dangerous animals.

Harry looked around and saw that everyone was ready with their backpacks on and in Louis' case having Rosie so he gave his husband his own snapback before he began to lead the way to the path.

"Heigh ho, heigh ho, we're off to hike let's go." Louis sang as he stomped through the woods.

Harry turned around and smiled to himself as he saw Louis. He couldn't help but roll his eyes fondly as the older lad continued to sing and whistle as they made their way through the woods. But of course it was only moments later when Rosie decided to join her daddy in singing and instead of saying actual words she just said nonsense. It was was more than adorable nonetheless though as Louis heard what she was doing and began beatboxing to match whatever Rosie was "singing".

"Yeah, uh, little baby singing on my back but she don't wanna drop that track-" Louis began to rap as Rosie was going on with her nonsense.

Alexis scrunched her face as she heard her daddy and little sister before looking up to her papa only to see him trying not to laugh. "And you like him because?" She asked jokingly.

At that Harry had to let out a laugh as he looked down at his daughter. "Because he does stuff like this." He said as he turned around and saw Louis still trying to rap and beatbox with Rosie doing her own version of some type of singing.

It was only when Louis ran out of things to rhyme with "back" and "track" did he stop trying to rap. His and Rosie's performance couldn't go unnoticed though so Alexis and Harry clapped their applause before rolling their eyes playfully at the pair.

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