Chapter 39

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"Louis!!" Harry yelled.

Louis perked his head up as he heard his husband's panicked scream and quickly dropped the shirt he was about to put on and jogged into the living room. "What is it?! What's wrong?!" He asked frantically.

"Nothings wrong! Look you're on tv!" Harry said from his place on the couch with Cody in his arms.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly made his way over to the couch and took a seat next to the younger lad. "What're they sayin?" He asked, knowing he hasn't done an interview in more than two weeks so there shouldn't be anything for them to run.

Harry chuckled to himself as he glanced over at Louis. "They're calling you England's sexiest dad." He said as he looked back to the tv.

"Really?!" Louis asked through a wide smile as he turned to the tv.

"There's no denying that Louis Tomlinson has captured the hearts of many women and even some men with his devastating good looks and sassy wit. Even though the 23 year old footie player is happily married with not one but two kids he continues to make the fans just fawn over him. But it's easy to see how! Who doesn't love a man who knows what he wants and is committed?!"

As Louis was watching the lady on the tv he couldn't help but just smile to himself. He glanced over at his husband who was quietly chuckling to himself and covering his mouth with his hand, definitely finding all of this ridiculous.

"We've seen the way Tomlinson acts with his daughter and husband, and it's clear that there is nothing but love in that family. And it's not only the footie player that has stolen a couple hearts but his husband as well is on some people's radars!!"

At that Louis let out a barking laugh as he saw Harry turning bright red. The younger lad had hidden his face with his free hand, not believing what he was hearing.

"Back in August the pair had taken their kids to the zoo with who we assume is a few of their friends and then their trusty body guards had tagged along as well. But there is no denying that only the weather was scorching hot that day."

At this point Louis wasn't even trying to hide his amusement as on the screen pictures of him in his shorts, t-shirt, a snapback and aviators came on with Cody resting on his chest and then Alexis holding his hand as they walked. Both Louis and Alexis had wide smiles on their faces as they were talking about God only knows what at the time.

The next picture that came on was one of Harry in his own backwards snapback and aviators on as he had Cody lifted above his head and smiling at him, making the at the time two week old newborn grin back at him.

"You did look hot babe." Louis said through a chuckle as he saw how his husband was a bit sweaty and his curls were pushed back behind his snapback. Plus it was backwards on him and that only made him look better.

Harry couldn't even say anything as he looked at the screen, still not believing that this news lady was calling him hot.

"Now as I said this family has nothing but love for each other. Just looking between them and their kids or just Louis and Harry themselves anyone can see it. But there is just one thing I'm curious about."

As Louis heard that he stopped his quiet laughter and took his eyes off his husband to the tv, wanting to hear what ridiculous crap the news was going to be saying about them now.

"When the first little Tomlinson was born the pair was eager to give us updates and details on their little girl, but we've found that with their second child things have changed a bit. The only thing we know about the newest Tomlinson is that they have a little boy and that he was born in the beginning of August, but that's it. We don't know his name, or even what he really looks like as the pair seems to be hiding him from us. Yes, we've all just seen pictures from the trip to the zoo but even then we couldn't get a good glimpse of him. By now he's nearing 5 months old and we're craving just a little bit of info on him."

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