Chapter 47

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Xue Qingling made a pot of tea seriously, poured it into a cup, and brought it to her mother respectfully, "Mother, drink tea."

Liu Yuzhi nodded with satisfaction. I was exhausted, and I just saw my youngest son when I got home, so I felt a lot of peace of mind. Liu Yuzhi picked up the teacup and took a small sip. The tea is made of the top Qishan green tea, and the craftsmanship of the tea maker is incomparable. This sip of fragrant tea is really endless.

"Ling'er, your skill at making tea is the best."

"After drinking this cup of tea from you, I feel that I'm not tired at all."

Liu Yuzhi pulled Xue Qingling to her side, looked him up and down, and then Holding each other's hand, she said something thoughtful, "Ling'er, mother left home for a few days, but she really missed my little Ling'er. When she left that day, mother was restless and always thinking about you. Punish you to kneel all night, mother regrets so much, are you healthy these days?"

"Mother, I'm fine."

"Really fine?"

"Mother, I'm really fine." In order to prove what he said Fake, Xue Qingling nodded her head several times, tilted her small face, pointed at her own face and said with a smile: "Mother, look at my current appearance, I don't look like I'm unwell." Liu Yuzhi raised her head, and

then Taking a closer look at Xue Qingling's complexion, I found that the other person's face was rosy, and his eyes were clear and bright. He really looked refreshed and healthy. Liu Yuzhi had a good appearance, with the gorgeous appearance of the rich and noble flowers in the world, and her husband Xue Yu also had an extraordinary handsome face. She and Xue Yu's three children were all outstanding in appearance, and among them, the one with the most outstanding appearance, It is the youngest son Xue Qingling.

Xue Qingling in front of her has an exquisite face that is unparalleled, her complexion is as radiant as jade under the candlelight, and her eyes are moving with waves, which is extremely lovable. Such a good appearance, upon closer inspection, Liu Yuzhi can't help but Dazed, he kept praising his youngest child for his good-looking appearance in his heart.

It's just...

How is this complexion more brilliant than before she left?

Xue Qingling saw her own mother examining herself, so she couldn't help but said with a playful smile: "Mom, take a look, do I look good? I ate two more buns this morning!" Seeing that her youngest son was in good health

, Liu Yuzhi let go of the worries in her heart, but gradually, she felt blocked again. She was doing business there, and she was always worried about the health of her youngest son. Not to mention eating good food and looking good, my mother has been away for so many days, and she has a good appetite, so she can eat two more buns in the morning? ? ?

Thinking of this, Liu Yuzhi gritted her teeth, raised her hand to grab the soft flesh on Xue Qingling's left face, and pulled it to the left as if punishing, with a sour tone: "Mother has been away these days, no one cares about you, are you happy?" Yes??? Xue Qingling!"

"You ate two more buns?? After mother left, did you have such a good appetite??" "

You heartless little villain, it's a good thing that mother misses you all the time."

Xue Qingling He raised his hand and rubbed the cheeks that had been grabbed by his own mother, and said nice things to coax his mother, "Mom, Qingling misses her very much after you have been away for a few days, really, I asked Mrs. He in the morning when Come back."

"Really miss mother?"

"It's more real than real gold."

Liu Yuzhi was satisfied, "It's not too bad, Ling'er, come, sit by Mother's side, and have dinner with Mother, Mother even asked someone to give it to you I made a few new sets of clothes, and I will change them later and show my mother if they fit."

After having dinner with her little girl, Xue Qingling, Liu Yuzhi let him try on another seven or eight sets of clothes, feeling even more satisfied and happy, then called Guanshi He over and asked him how Xue Qingling was doing these days.

After going to the tea garden, Liu Yuzhi was busy every day, and she didn't have time to take care of other things except her son's health. She expected that nothing serious would happen to the porridge clinic.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuzhi's expression changed drastically after listening to Manager He's report: "What? Qingling's Huichun Hall has a new doctor ?


Head, "That person is not from Lin'an City. I can't find the other party's family members, and I can't find out the root cause. I don't know where the young master invited such a young doctor.

" Can treat several patients...Of course, the young master can still sell porridge..." "


Liu Yuzhi couldn't help grinding her teeth, selling porridge? Of course he sold porridge happily, but he actually found a doctor with excellent medical skills to sit in the medical clinic for this little idiot?

No wonder the little rabbit has a ruddy and happy complexion recently, and he can eat two more buns with a big appetite.

"... Is this young doctor really good at medicine? It's unbelievable. I'm not sure if he's good at medicine, but I think this man must be lame. If there is no problem with his eyes, there are so many medical centers in Lin'an City. I don't want to go, but I want to go to my son's little clinic?..."

Manager He asked from the side: "Madam, what should we do?"

"What should we do? It's the same as before, send him away ."

Pei Shu used to read medical books in the medical center. Although Xue Qingling is not very skilled in medicine, he has collected all kinds of medical books over the years, and many of them are related to Shuang'er. learn.

There were not many patients in Huichun Hall, Xue Qingling huddled in the decoction room and boiled medicine attentively, suddenly a sneaky person came to the medical hall, after that person did not see Xue Qingling in the medical hall, he came to the young doctor Pei Shu Beside him, he called Pei Shu out in a low voice.

Pei Shutan frankly followed this sneaky man out of the hospital. Anyway, no matter whether it was a human or a ghost, Little Doctor Pei was not afraid at all.

When he walked out of the hospital, Pei Shu also guessed in his heart who the person who came to him was.

Generally, those who send people to seek medical treatment so cautiously, would they be looking for him to treat "yang, what, early ejaculation", these people really do everything for the so-called ecstasy.

But... Pei Shu thought about it, he just came to An, so no one should find a new doctor to treat this disease, right? Unless he was betrayed.

Pei Shu followed this sneaky man around two streets, and walked into a remote alley, and then saw the person who really came to look for him, a middle-aged man in blue clothes, this man was short and round. The round-headed and smiling appearance looked very kind. After Pei Shu looked at this person, he found that he was not a sick person, nor was he the master behind the scenes, but a subordinate who ran errands.

"You are the new doctor Pei from Huichuntang, right?" Liu Qi said with a smile, because he looks kinder and is good at persuasive speech, so Manager He sent him to dismiss the doctor who came back to Chuntang.

Liu Qi looked Pei Shu up and down in front of him, and found that Pei Shu was dressed in white, handsome in appearance and extraordinary in temperament, but he was also a good person with a clear demeanor. Such a young man, to be honest, doesn't look like a doctor in a medical clinic at all.

Pei Shu nodded, "I'm right here."

"That's right." Liu Qi took out a small mahogany box from behind, opened it in front of Pei Shu, and inside was a row of extremely eye-catching silver ingots. Liu Qi pointed to these shining silver things, and said with a smile: "Doctor Pei, what do you see?" "

This is silver."

"Yes, Doctor Pei, do you like this silver?"

Pei Shucong He untied the bamboo flute from his waist, held the flute in his right hand, and tapped it twice on the palm of his left hand. He was very curious about what the man in front of him wanted to do with him. "Everyone likes things like silver." "That's good.

" , Dr. Pei, as long as you agree to leave Huichuntang, this box of silver will be all yours."

Pei Shu nodded thoughtfully, now he knows why there is no doctor in the clinic of the little idiot. Someone has always been behind it.

Seeing this, Liu Qi smiled even more kindly, "Doctor Pei, from the way you nod your head, do you agree?" "

No, I didn't say yes." Pei Shu flatly refused.

The smile on Liu Qi's face froze, and he twitched the corners of his mouth: "Little Doctor Pei, do you think fifty taels of silver is too little?"

Pei Shu nodded sincerely: "It's too little.

" The other party choked on his sincerity: "..."

Those little doctors in the past just sent them away with a small amount of money, but this one in front of him really has a big appetite.

Take the money and go to other medical clinics to work happily, isn't it just "hello, hello, hello everyone".

"Then how much do you want, Doctor Pei?"

"It doesn't matter how much you give, no matter if it is a thousand gold or ten thousand gold, I will never leave Huichun Hall."

Liu Qi's eyes widened, and he immediately asked, "Why is that?"

Pei Shu smiled, "Because I promised the young master of the Xue family that as long as I stay in Lin'an City, I will be the doctor in charge of his family's clinic."

"Once the promise is made, I will never go back on it, so... I'm sorry for the money, but I won't be able to use it anymore." After

Pei Shu finished speaking, he curled his lips into a smile, and stopped talking to Liu Qi who was dumbfounded. Exit the alley and walk back to the medical hall.

Liu Qi went back with the money to report to Guanshi He, and Guanshi He ran to Liu Yuzhi and told her what Pei Shu had said. Liu Yuzhi supported her bun, pulled out a golden hairpin, and played with it in her hand. She looked at the ornamentation on the gold hairpin, rubbed the center of her brows, and felt a headache:

"I thought this little doctor Pei was just lame, but I didn't expect him to have a brain problem." "

Promise? He is a person who values ​​promises ." Don't want thousands of dollars? Are you talking loudly, don't value money? Huh, but he is alone, and he can't find any other weaknesses..." "

But... a promise to Qingling? This... this What kind of person is it that can be tricked into a promise by my idiot son?"

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