Chapter 135 Lantern Festival

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Xue Qingling picked up the scissors and cut a piece of cloth, and turned her head when she heard the words: "Mother, what are you talking about?" "

This... These are all embroidered by you, Linger?" It's like seeing a Bodhisattva appearing.

Pei Shu: "..."

Xue Qingling blinked, and said bluntly, "Mother, are you daydreaming?"

His subtext was: You overestimate your son.

"I guess so." Liu Yuzhi patted her chest and abdomen, if Xue Qingling embroidered it, unless the sun came out from the west.

"Where did you buy it? The embroiderer is good, and you actually bought so much... Although this embroiderer is good, but your mother owns an embroidery shop, why do you want to buy other people's embroidery?" Realized that it was not my own. After her son embroidered it, Liu Yuzhi became angry. Her grandchildren didn't use their own embroidery, but went to buy other people's embroidery?

"You still buy so much...You prodigal son!!!"

Xue Qingling: "I'm wronged, this is embroidered by the child's father."

Liu Yuzhi rolled her eyes, "Again, you just said that you didn't embroider— ——"

When she said this, Liu Yuzhi turned her head to look at her good son-in-law—Pei Shu, her eyes were about to pop out, Pei Shu smiled at her mother-in-law, and then saw him using his internal force to control Qi Eight silver needles flew up and down quickly with silk threads.

Liu Yuzhi swallowed her saliva.

She murmured: "It's really the child's father who embroidered it..."

Seeing his mother's shocked appearance, Xue Qingling burst into joy immediately, with a pair of clear and shallow phoenix eyes curved, and a flowery smile on the corner of her mouth, "Mother , look, the craftsmanship is not bad!"

Liu Yuzhi patted his hand away, with a look of disgust: "You didn't embroider it, why are

you so proud?"

"Mother, don't talk about Ling'er like that. Ling'er is also very good. He is good at cooking. The porridge he cooks is the best in our Lin'an City. He also cooks good medicinal food. He is good at making medicine and pharmaceuticals. He has a good temper. That's right, the skill of brewing good tea is rare..."

Xue Qingling smirked a few times, feeling a little uncomfortable being praised, and said modestly: "I'm actually not that good."

Liu Yuzhi really didn't Seeing that, she smiled and raised her hand to nod Xue Qingling's eyebrows, "Praise you, just listen."

After the three laughed and talked for a while, Liu Yuzhi remembered the reason for her visit today, and led Pei Shu to see Su Xiuniang .

When Pei Shu was treating Su Xiuniang, Liu Yuzhi was looking at the damaged embroidery outside. This embroidery was almost finished, and the corners and corners were handled very well, but it was a pity that a piece of it was burned in the middle.

She intends to dispose of this damaged embroidery as soon as possible, and it must not be placed in front of anyone to see it again. Even when she sees it, she can't help but feel the pain in her heart, not to mention the Suzhou embroidery that has spent two months of hard work on it. mother.

After a few more glances, I'm sure I'll get sick again.

When Liu Yuzhi was planning to put away this embroidery, she suddenly had an extremely bold idea.

After Pei Shu saw Su Xiuniang's illness, Liu Yuzhi pulled Pei Shu aside, and tentatively asked her son-in-law to do something for her.

"Mother, it's okay for you to say."

Liu Yuzhi also felt that her idea was a bit risky and difficult, but she thought of Pei Shu's ability to handle seven or eight silver needles at a time just now, and felt that the other party was capable of accomplishing such a thing.

Liu Yuzhi told Pei Shu about the embroidery.

After pondering for a moment, Pei Shu nodded in agreement.

"You can try."

Although Pei Shu really doesn't like embroidery, but the mother-in-law has a problem, he naturally wants to help share the worry, not to mention, it's not a big deal.

Two days later, Pei Shu helped to complete the embroidery for birthday celebration.

The front is Songhe Yannian, and the back is Feihe Shoutao. The embroidery is exquisite and unparalleled. After Liu Yuzhi received this embroidery, she almost couldn't put it down. She liked it more and more, and she was reluctant to send this embroidery to the Song family.

Seeing this, Pei Shu said: "Next time your mother celebrates your birthday, I will also embroider one for her."

Liu Yuzhi happily said, "Really? That's great!

" I must be exhausted too." Although the son-in-law is very good at martial arts, embroidery is an extremely exhausting and troublesome thing, and the other party must also be exhausted.

Liu Yuzhi took this embroidery to Su Xiu's mother's house to appease her, "Don't worry about the embroidery, take care of your illness."

Su Xiu's face was pale, "Sister Liu, I'm sorry, the delivery is about to be delivered soon, what should I do?" What should I do?"

"Don't worry, I've already asked someone to make a new one." " is this possible?" Su Xiuniang was in a state of panic, how could she make a new one after only a few days? ?

If the skill is not up to standard, it will damage the reputation of the embroidery village.

Liu Yuzhi put out the new embroidery with a smile, "Come on, take a look, how about it?"

After Su Xiuniang finished reading, her face was full of shock, "Which embroiderer made this embroidery art?" "

Liu Yuzhi: "..."

Liu Yuzhi's expression suddenly became unpredictable: "This person, you can't say anything." "

This is our embroidery village's secret weapon, so please don't let him go easily."

Su Xiuniang seemed to understand. Nodded, "So that's how it is..."

"Okay, don't worry about it, and take care of your illness. I'll have someone hand over this embroidery to the Song family..."

After dealing with the embroidery, Liu Yuzhi Several of the shops under her management have begun to close down for the New Year. She will not spend time at Xue's house this year, but moved to Pei's house to celebrate the New Year with her son and son-in-law. The three of them had a lively reunion dinner, and then got together Table playing cards.

This year has been very lively.

On the night of the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there is a lantern festival in Lin'an City.

Xue Qingling would go out to watch the lanterns every year, and this year was no exception. Liu Yuzhi was too lazy to go out to watch the lanterns, so Pei Shu naturally wanted to go out with Xue Qingling.

The two of them got together and made two little golden pig lanterns that day. These two little golden pig lanterns were very small and cute. Unfortunately, when the two of them were about to go out with the little golden pigs at night, they all felt ashamed to go out like this. Seven or eight It's very lovable for a young child to carry such a playful little lantern out, but it's... unacceptable for the two of them, grown men, to carry it in their hands


After Pei Shu and Xue Qingling glanced at each other, they unanimously decided to leave this little golden pig lantern to their future children.

"Let the children carry it to watch the Lantern Festival in the future."

"Yes, that's right!"

Pei Shu walked out the door empty-handed with Xue Qingling, and won two lotus lanterns by guessing lantern riddles. Each of them carried a lotus lantern. After meeting Zhao Huaixi and his wife, the four of them went to the lantern festival together.

The annual Lantern Festival in Lin'an City is a grand event. The lights on the streets are almost turning the night into day. Many literati and poets stop by the street to guess lantern riddles and eat Lantern Festival.

In such a festive season, He Wenjian walked beside them with a lot of thoughts. He used to be an honest scholar, and he often stayed up all night studying hard with Wei Chang. Recently, he got very close to Qian Zhuo and the others. I drank flower wine together a few times...

These things are really unacceptable, as soon as I touch it, I become addicted.

He Wenjian couldn't bear to part with those girls' crispy catkins... The four books and five classics in his daily life were also replaced by romantic tales about talented scholars and beauties. He was immersed in such days, and fell into it more and more.

The family members seemed to have noticed it recently, and beat him a few words with unclear meaning.

It's easy to get sick when you go to that kind of place.

He Wenjian is timid, he doesn't know how to convince himself in his heart, let him leave at this moment, he is really reluctant, but if he contracted a shameful disease, he would feel ashamed to death.

Qian Zhuo spent the whole day hanging around in the Goulan courtyard, but he didn't catch the infection, so it shouldn't be his turn, right?


He Wenjian suddenly remembered one thing, and he was horrified, the more he thought about it, the more panic he felt, but he felt that he was thinking too much, tossing and turning in his heart, He Wenjian couldn't help but asked tentatively: "Brother Qian , did you have the red birthmark on your arm just after you were born?"

Hearing his question, Qian Zhuo didn't think too much, nodded and said, "I have it since I was born, and I've been with me for more than 20 years. It's a good thing that the birthmark didn't grow on my face, otherwise it would damage my handsome appearance." , once you enter the Baihua Building, you still won't be beaten out?"


But at this moment, a group of people rode past them, and the ear tips of the man in the lead moved, and he caught the conversation between He Wenjian and Qian Zhuo. The man turned the horse's head and led the man and horse to stop in front of the two of them.

"You have a red birthmark on your hand? Let me see..."

Qian Zhuo and He Wenjian were taken aback by this military man in light armor. Qian Zhuo stiffly pulled away his sleeve, revealing the red lump on his arm birthmark.

The leader hastily opened an album in his hand, and compared the two sides, they were almost 80-90 percent similar. His expression was startled, and he hurriedly asked, "How old are you this year?" "Twenty-three, no,

twenty-four." , born in the year of 1911."


"An... Prince An's son has been found?"

"Take him away!"

After the Lantern Festival passed that night, a sensational gossip began to circulate in Lin'an City, and it was said that King An had lost more than 20 The eldest son of the year was found, none other than Qian Zhuo, the son of the Qian Family Buzhuang in Lin'an City. Many people watched Qian Zhuo being taken away that night, and said that the eldest son was found... "That kid from the Qian family is

An Prince Wang? How is this possible?"

"He hangs around in the Goulan courtyard every day, ignorant, how can such a person be a child of the royal family." "

Actually, he is quite handsome and generous. I like him..."

The city was full of storms and discussions, and the Qian family was not peaceful at this time.

Master Qian frowned, his right hand holding the pipe kept shaking, and his tone trembled: "Pretending to be the son of the prince, that's a matter of losing your head." Others don't know, but

their own family members don't know, Qian Zhuo must be his. Son is right.

"What are you afraid of? The son of Prince An has been missing for more than 20 years, and he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. He might have died a long time ago. The birthmark on Zhuo Er's body is exactly the same as that of Prince An's. If you don't say it, who knows... What's more, old man, Grandma Zhang who delivered Zhuo'er died a long time ago... Now there is no evidence of her death, it just so happens that Zhuo'er was born in another place, and the people around her don't know."

"Let's just say that the one in my stomach died, and I was so sad that I picked up Zhuo'er halfway and took it home as my own child."

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