Chapter 62 Feng Shui

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Liu Yuzhi has wanted to see this Dr. Pei for a long time, but it was cloudy and rainy a few days ago, it was not suitable to go out and the light was dim, so she couldn't find a chance. Fortunately, the sky was sunny today and the vision was wide, so she waited far away from the medical center. Even if he glanced at the other party, he had to say that it was clearer on a sunny day, which gave people a better impression.

She leaned against the window, watching the other person's figure disappear into the corner of the street, but it was a pity that she couldn't meet up close, but just seeing the other person's demeanor and posture when walking, like the sun and the moon, already made her feel happy, and she couldn't help feeling satisfied.

Judging from the appearance, the other party and his own child are still very suitable, and they are both born to be outstanding. Standing together, the two are a natural pair. Over the past few days, Liu Yuzhi has inquired a lot about Dr. Pei. He heard that he is very skilled in medicine, has a good temper, is kind to others, and has high martial arts... Although he is good in everything, he is a doctor.

However, there is nothing wrong with being a doctor, and her husband is also a doctor.

Looking at the blue bricks and gray tiles opposite, Liu Yuzhi thought in her heart, maybe this is the fate bestowed by the heavens, and also the blessing of the Xue family ancestors. open down.

These days, there are quite a lot of people coming and going to the Spring Hall to seek medical treatment. It has been a long time since I saw such a scene.

Liu Yuzhi was in a good mood, so she decided not to do anything today, and invited a few ladies to play cards.

In the gazebo of the small courtyard of the Chen family, four wives got together at a table to play cards, besides Liu Yuzhi, there were also Mrs. Tang whose husband owned a tavern, Mrs. Zeng who was also a tea merchant at home, and Qi Yuhong, the master of Qingshan Academy. His wife, Qin Xujin, is an old acquaintance, and they get together, playing cards, and talking about their parents.

When women get together, they love to talk about their husbands and children. Every family has their own troubles, who sleeps in flowers and sleeps in willows, is hooked up by some little hooves, or whose children have tossed about something... Liu Yuzhi is now a widow and does not plan to remarry. She had nothing to say about her husband either.

The only thing that worries her now is her youngest son, Xue Qingling.

"From the Xue family, you have always been the luckiest among us, and your Qingling is getting older, so you must find him a good marriage." After Madam Zeng played the cards in her hand, Youyou smiled.

In the past, Liu Yuzhi was indeed a good-lucky person that she envied. Her husband, Xue Yu, looked upright. After a fight, there are a lot of bad things in life. Liu Yuzhi gave birth to another son, a daughter, and a pair of children. It can be said that she has everything she needs.

But now, the husband is gone early, the son is gone, the eldest daughter is married away, and there is only one little twin who is by her side. , but no matter how wearing gold and jade, people can't afford the slightest envy.

What's more, the marriage of her little Shuang'er is enough to make the other party worry.

After Mrs. Zeng opened her mouth, she shifted the topic to Xue Qingling, and several other people joined in, "Yeah, Qingling is not young, it stands to reason that you, a mother, should be anxious for him Usually, people of this age are settled early."

"Don't be too picky, just choose the one that suits you. My second daughter, who was only sixteen, decided on the Wang family's child. That child can read. Wait for him to get married in the past two years..."

"You always say that you want your child to marry a great talent, but now you look down on the scholars in our Lin'an City, and some people from the next county are also going to inquire..."

... ...

Liu Yuzhi lazily picked up a card. In the past, every time these wives talked about her youngest son's marriage, she said that she was not in a hurry, but she was actually in a hurry, but now listening, she is not in a hurry for the time being. "My child has his own ideas, so I won't worry about him for now. He still thinks about the hospital, so he can't come in a hurry..." Her youngest

son used to make her worry, although he looked He was born well, and his family background is not bad, but he was born...too tall, a bit taller than a woman, but he is actually at the level of a normal man, but they are the right-age scholars in Lin'an City, they are excellent and motivated, and they have a good appearance Yes, she is about the same size as Xue Qingling, and even Xue Qingling is a little taller than him... It doesn't look good, and those who are tall and talented, who prefer to swim on flower boats, and behave indecently, Liu Yuzhi will not Throw the child in this kind of fire pit.

Find a kid from a rich family. The family is rich and pampered, and the child has many bad habits. It's rare that a good tutor has already been snatched away.

Let's recruit a son-in-law, and I'm afraid of recruiting wolves, tigers and leopards. After all, they are orphans and widows, it is difficult to deal with these, and those who are willing to be son-in-law at home probably have a lot of messes at home.

It's really hard to choose.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuzhi couldn't help but feel a little more satisfied with the man she just met.

"Let's not talk about that, I'm going to find a piano master to come to my house and teach Qing Ling how to learn the piano." "

...Why do you want to learn the piano all of a sudden?" "

The child suddenly wants to learn, let me find him a piano teacher, It doesn't take long to teach, ten days and half a month, just give me some pointers." "

I know someone here who is good at playing the piano, and he is also a twin, so let me introduce you to your house." ...


talking about my sons and daughters , and talked about the new gossip about other families, "I just heard people say today that the Zhang family's house is going to be sold, and I don't know who will buy it."

Liu Yuzhi knew that this family's house was not far from Xue's house, just two alleys away. This family's house was built with huge sums of money in the past, and it is now a well-known "haunted house" in Lin'an City. Some people say Feng Shui is not very good. There was a gambler in their Zhang family, who lost all his family property and died on women. There was also an orphan and widow, guarding the dilapidated empty house overgrown with weeds.

When a row of creditors took their IOUs to his house to move things, there was a lot of commotion, which was embarrassing.

So Liu Yuzhi said: "The land is worth a little money. People in Lin'an City who can afford it should not buy such a house. Maybe someone from other places will buy it." Pei Shu found Lin'an

City The Yaman, who was an intermediary, was not satisfied after seeing several houses. Later, the Yaren took him to the gate of Zhang's house in Yongding Lane, and asked him to wait at the door first, and then knocked on the door and went in to talk to the host's house.

Pei Shu held the flute in his hand, tapped the palm of his hand, looked at the Zhang family's house in front of him, and suddenly found that this house was really good, and he was more satisfied than the previous ones.

Just as he was thinking this in his heart, a grandmother passing by with a basket spoke to him, "You are here to see the house, right?"

Pei Shu nodded, "Yes."

"I tell you , you must never buy this house. This is a sick house. In this house, people are very sick, the Feng Shui is not good, and the owner, the husband and wife who lived in the previous house, got a strange disease for some reason. I went... Later, it became Zhang's family. The Zhang family gave birth to a prodigal son. He gambled away all the family property, and left orphans and widows. That youngest son is also suffering from tuberculosis, coughing non-stop every day, and he will die soon..." "

Anyway, this house is very sick, so it's better not to buy it. Grandma came to persuade you because you look good... "After the grandma finished speaking, she left with a sigh.

Watching the grandmother with the basket leave, Pei Shu pushed his chin with the flute head.


See how good I am?

Pei Shu: "..."

The good-looking little Doctor Pei stood at the door of the Zhang family's house, and he still planned to go in and have a look at the house before talking. At this time, the man who showed him the mansion also came out, and a man in charge invited him in.

Pei Shu followed the two of them in, and as soon as he stepped through the gate, he saw the carved screen wall facing him, and then walked along the bridge corridors on both sides to the main hall. There is a small building, to the west of the main hall, that is, in the middle of the courtyard, there is a small lake, beside which are rockery, verandas, water pavilions, pavilions and other buildings built along the water. The house, probably used to be a place like the tea room, library, reading room, etc., is now empty.

This is also a small garden, about twelve acres in size, and the layout is not bad. Looking at the current "wreckage", one can imagine the scene of the prosperous past, but now the house is dilapidated, and all valuable things have been moved. Empty, it can only be described by the four walls of the house, those rockery lakes are unmanaged, the weeds are overgrown and dilapidated, and the small pavilion by the lake has collapsed and no one repairs it, it looks very desolate.

As Pei Shu walked, he had to sigh and say, luckily, he chose a sunny day to come here. If it had been cloudy and rainy a few days ago, walking in such a courtyard with bursts of dark clouds above his head, he would not only feel sick, but also gloomy Sen's ghostly spirit was soaring.

Especially these unpruned bamboo forests and trees have grown randomly now, and the surrounding stones by the lake are also covered with moss and weeds. Standing in this yard alone, it looks a bit like a barren mountain.

Fortunately, Pei Shu often climbs cliffs these days, so he doesn't dislike such places.

After walking the entire yard, Pei Shu felt that it was quite eye-catching, so he decided to buy it. Although the house is dilapidated, the terrain and location are good. It is very close to Xue Mansion and Huichun Hall. The distance between the three places is about the same. Xue Mansion is about the same distance, fast and close, and the roads are well built, which is very suitable.

Moreover, Pei Shu is quite satisfied with the basic layout and design of this courtyard. As he watched, he was already thinking about how to repair it in the future. A nice yard is best suited for a drastic remodel.

As for the poor geomantic omen of this house, Little Doctor Pei himself is an old god who can read geomantic omen. It is very sure to create a good Feng Shui place.

And this house is very sick... a doctor like him can still be afraid of getting sick.

Little Doctor Pei, who specializes in treating diseases.

I opened a medical clinic in ancient timesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن