Chapter 131 Eat crabs

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"Why did you call me down?" Pei Shu hugged the person in his arms, curiously said: "Could it be that you still want to steal a drink? You are pregnant with a child now, but you can't drink." Xue Qingling pulled her with a

smile His hand pulled him into the small hall.

A large steamer was placed on the round table in the small hall, as well as several blank and clean white porcelain plates, and a small dish of prepared sauce, which could smell the aroma of mature vinegar, and there were a few pinches of ginger in it. , and a pot of rice wine on the side.

Pei Shu sat down at the table and raised his eyebrows upon seeing this.

Xue Qingling opened the steamer, and two pairs of steamed hairy crabs appeared in front of the two of them. The blue-black shell of the hairy crabs had completely turned into a golden color, with a white circle around the side. Judging from the color, it looked a bit like a broken crab. Xue Qingling used her dexterous fingers to untie the rope tied to the hairy crab, and placed the whole yellow hairy crab in the center of the white porcelain plate.

This is a fat female crab.

It weighs seventy-two and has a very fat body. Looking at the round belly, one can imagine the crab roe overflowing inside.

Pei Shu rubbed his nose, and when the other party took out the hairy crabs, an uncontrollable sweetness rushed into his nose, and there was still a vague smell of aged vinegar in the air.

Xue Qingling neatly cut off the two large crab claws and crab legs with scissors, leaving a round body, lifted the crab cover, and couldn't help but not look at the crab roe that was congealed into lumps in orange color. Swallowing his saliva, he used tweezers to remove the crab gills, crab heart and stomach, then picked up the small spoon on the side, scooped a small spoonful of mature vinegar, and poured it on the crab roe, which was as red as a broken egg yolk.

The orange-red color is covered with a layer of mature vinegar, and the taste becomes more attractive. The silver-white crab meat is as tender as silk. open.

Xue Qingling took a spoonful of crab roe, fed it into the mouth of the person next to him, and said enviously, "Is it delicious?"

He used to eat a lot of hairy crabs every year, especially when the autumn wind blows and the crabs are fat. However, Xue Qingling doesn't like to eat female crabs. He prefers to eat the transparent gelatinous crab paste inside the male crabs. The delicious crab paste tastes the most delicious. It tastes great when chewed. It is unique to crabs. The umami is delicious, and the paste-like solidified body is fused with the most extreme umami. When eating crab paste, Xue Qingling doesn't like to dip it in vinegar.

Or the original umami of the hairy crabs is enough, no matter how delicious his sauce is, it can't beat the original umami of the hairy crabs.

There is no other flavor mixed in, and the most original sweetness and lightness of eating crab can best satisfy his sensitive taste buds.

The pair of hairy crabs sent by Zhao Huaixi are the most delicious crab meat. These crabs are raised fat and fresh without any earthy smell. Of course, the water in the south of the Yangtze River is the best.

Pei Shu slowly ate the crab roe in his mouth, savoring the sweetness and fragrance. The crab roe is not only attractive in color, but also tastes indescribably delicious. Chew carefully, even if it is only accompanied by a slight vinegar smell, Can taste the strange and delicious taste, which makes people linger.


Such a fat hairy crab swallowed a spoon full of crab roe into his mouth at once. The satisfaction of this fresh and sweet filling the mouth cannot be described clearly with specific words.

Xue Qingling, who always liked to feed him, threw the things in his hands aside after feeding him, and quit.

It's exhausting to watch other people eat.

Pei Shu took the hairy crab from the opponent's hand, scooped up another small spoonful of crab meat with a smile on his face, and fed it to Xue Qingling's mouth.

Xue Qingling frowned, "I'm pregnant now, so I can't eat crabs."

"Just one or two bites is fine, let's try something new." Whether pregnant people can eat crabs can't be generalized, some people can eat it, and some people can't touch it at all. Xue Qingling used to eat crabs and eat them happily. It's not that he can't even eat a bite or two.

After Xue Qingling took a bite "reluctantly", he felt even more sad. If he could only take one bite, he might as well not eat it. The more he ate, the more he wanted to eat it.

The taste is really delicious.

"Huaixi sent me this to torture me." Xue Qingling touched his stomach and said, feeling that the little Pei in his stomach also wanted to eat crabs.

He begged, "Little Doctor Pei, please feel sorry for me, eat up all these crabs quickly."

Pei Shu peeled a candied chestnut for him, "Don't worry, I promise to finish eating soon."

After Xue Qingling ate a candied chestnut, she felt a lot of comfort in her heart. The sweet and glutinous candied chestnuts are also very delicious. Speaking of which, autumn is really a happy season, whether it is in the mountains or in the water and fields In the field, there are delicious things to eat.

Pei Shu quickly turned a few plump hairy crabs into a pile of fragrant shells. Even his body seemed to have the smell of hairy crabs. Xue Qingling clearly knew the smell of Pei Shu's body. He couldn't stay for long, so he rushed over and hugged each other and took a bite.

He can't eat hairy crabs, can't he "gnaw" people with the taste of hairy crabs?

"Shopkeeper, if you want to leave tooth marks on my face, how can little Doctor Pei go out to meet people

later?" Xue Qingling gnawed heartlessly, "Dr. Stay here honestly and wait for the teeth marks to disappear before you go out."

"You...I really don't know whether I should praise you for being smart these days?...or..."

Surprisingly stupid.

"All right, all right, just bite me a few more times and treat me like a hairy crab." "

Little Doctor Pei, don't belittle yourself, you are sweeter than crab meat."

Pei Shu choked on his own saliva and raised his hand I pinched Xue Qingling's cheek, "You have even learned how to tease people..." "

You, you can only show off your prestige when the two of us are alone. Once outsiders are around, you are a little quail."

As the saying goes Good spirits are not bad spirits.

Pei Shu had just settled down when he heard someone calling him outside.

"Doctor Pei, there is a serious patient outside!!"

Xue Qingling, who had been flirting with others just now, looked at the tooth marks on the other party's face, and her cheeks flushed instantly, and her mind was rumbling, facing the biggest crisis in her life. The decision is whether he should let the little doctor Pei with the teeth marks on his face go out to treat people...

Even if he doesn't want to, the patients can't delay.

Xue Qingling's face was ashamed, and Pei Shu walked out of the small hall with this appearance, what would the people in Lin'an City think of him, Master Xue?

Seeing his appearance, Pei Shu didn't tease him, and chuckled lightly, "You know you're wrong, right? You look up again?"

Xue Qingling subconsciously glanced at the other's face, and saw the teeth on the other's face. The seal disappeared, and the smell of hairy crabs on the opponent's body also disappeared, and the whole person seemed to have been purified, becoming clean, tidy and flawless.

Pei Shu lovingly touched the opponent's head a few times, which was a skill he had practiced after years of wandering abroad.

Self-cleaning without taking a shower.

As for removing the tooth marks, it is even simpler, just use Wanhua internal energy to heal the wound.

Otherwise, it's okay to have teeth marks on the face, but if you treat people with the smell of hairy crabs, the picture will not be very good.

Not much to say about this, Pei Shu took Xue Qingling to the lobby of the medical center, and as soon as he arrived in the lobby, he smelled a strong smell of blood. As soon as Pei Shu smelled this smell, he felt something was wrong, and asked Xue Qingling not to follow him. Come here and stay in the backyard of the medical hall, Xue Qingling nodded, he really felt a little sick when he smelled this smell.

From the entrance of the medical hall to the inside of the medical hall, a pool of red blood was left behind.

Yang Boheng was trying to stop the bleeding.

Hearing the patient's wailing, the ordinary people on the side went limp, as if the painful wound was on their own body, and they couldn't join in all the excitement. Many people turned their faces away and didn't look over there. the tragedy.

The injured patient is also an old neighbor on this street, Zhang Jing, the son of the owner of a candy shop. The owner of the candy shop is called Zhang Luoguang. He has a wife and a son. The family runs the shop, and their days are going well. It went well, but Zhang Luoguang had a younger brother, Zhang Yueguang, who often took his wife, two sons and daughters to his elder brother's house to fight the autumn breeze. , Zhang Luoguang couldn't help but give some money to his younger brother's family.

It was like this every time, Zhang Luoguang's wife Lu Qian couldn't bear it this time.

Their family worked hard from dawn to dusk to live frugally and earn money, but in the end they always cheated on the other party's lazy brother. Every time they came over to cry and yell, they had money, and took the money to go back to eat, drink and enjoy themselves for a few days. Oh my god, the whole family came to ask my elder brother for money again, like a family of locusts, they couldn't be chased away.

Lu Qian was angry and impatient, so it was her husband who was stupid, or pretending to be stupid, and his brother and his sister-in-law, who looked like they were delicious and lazy to make delicate skin and tender meat, looked like they didn't work on weekdays, so they took the money and went back to eat delicious food. He has been seen by Lu Qian several times, and when he has no money, he deliberately wears rags to call him poor.

Zhang Luoguang gave money again and again, and his younger brother completely depended on their family.

Lu Qian was so angry that she refused to give any money this time. Zhang Luoguang's younger brother took his wife to her house to make a fuss, saying that she was a cruel sister-in-law, and Lu Qian quarreled with their family. It's fine if Zhang Luoguang next to her doesn't help her, he only wants to give money to settle the matter, so as not to hurt the harmony of his family, Lu Qian was so angry that the son next to him tried to persuade her to fight, and at least he stood by his mother side.

This time Lu Qian was so angry that she took out the kitchen knife at home and said that if anyone took money from her, they would chop off their hands.

Zhang Luoguang rushed to grab the kitchen knife in his hand. Zhang Yueguang's family was shameless and cold-eyed watching the excitement of his house, and they didn't think it was a big deal. If you want to chop me with a knife, am I still your real brother..."

Their family fanned the flames better than anyone else.

Zhang Luoguang was also agitated at that time, and directly snatched the kitchen knife from Lu Qian's hand, holding the kitchen knife and waved it threateningly at Lu Qian's side, but at this time his son Zhang Jing just reached out to protect him. His mother happened to be slashed by the kitchen knife in Zhang Luoguang's hand.

It was cut obliquely on the wrist, and half of the hand bones were broken.

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