Chapter 177 Black Bear

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Xu Changyao is a well-known doctor in Dingzhou. He once treated the princess of King An's mansion. He is deeply grateful to King An. He often travels around to practice medicine. He has eight apprentices. Li is a doctor.

Xu Changyao was very interested in some strange and strange diseases. After hearing about Cheng's father's illness in He Ren Tang, he brought his three apprentices Kang Jiantong, Shi Shi and Su Yuan, and medicine servants to Cheng's house.

The masters and apprentices discussed Cheng's father's illness with each other on the way here, and each expressed their own guesses and judgments freely. Who knows, when they arrived at Cheng's house, they heard that Cheng's father was in good condition. There was a young doctor surnamed Pei. He cured Cheng's father's chronic illness.

Xu Changyao stroked his beard to look at the prescription, tapped it, and after hearing that the doctor was only a weak crown, he even sighed: "You are young and promising, and you have outstanding talent!" The third apprentice

Kang Jiantong heard the words: "Master thinks this This young Doctor Pei is better than my younger brother Su Yuan, whose talent is better?"

Among their teachers, the youngest student Su Yuan who is extremely gifted in medicine is Su Yuan, who is deeply trusted and liked by Xu Changyao, and also The most unique one of their senior brothers obviously has an incomparable talent for studying medicine, but he doesn't use this talent on the right path. Having won the master's true biography, several senior brothers are envious and jealous.

Now after hearing about a young and promising young doctor, Kang Jiantong couldn't help himself, and asked who was more talented between the two? Who is more skilled in medicine.

"I'm afraid your Junior Brother Su can't compare to him." Xu Changyao felt that after hearing the diagnosis process that Dr. Pei gave to Cheng's father, he felt that he could not do as well as him. This person's medical skills are incalculable.

Sure enough, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are people beyond the sky!

After Xu Changyao's words were settled, Su Yuan in his mouth did not express anything, but his two senior brothers were shocked in their hearts. The talent of Junior Brother Su was already extremely enviable to them, and now there is another one who is even more talented. The young doctor, Kangjiantong and the application were all shocked.

There is actually someone more talented than the younger brother?

The two senior brothers did not feel jealous towards the young Dr. Pei in their hearts, but a kind of indescribable excitement jumped in their hearts. Their senior brother Su, whose eyes are above the top, is finally someone who can overwhelm him now?

Kang Jiantong suppressed his secret joy, and gloated, "Junior Su, what do you think? According to what Master said, I'm afraid your medical skills are not as good as that of Dr. Pei."

Su Yuan was a young man of twenty-four years old, dressed in a suit The handsome Confucian scholar in white clothes is the most outstanding among them. His master Xu Changyao has gray temples, and the two senior brothers are also middle-aged men with families, but he is the youngest and most handsome. Su Yuan was not aroused and unconvinced when he heard senior brother Kang Jiantong's words. Instead, he said complacently: "My medical skills may not be as good as that young Doctor Pei, but my face must be better looking than him!" Su

Yuan Yuan is a wonderful doctor who studies medicine. Although he has outstanding medical talent, he never cares about his medical skills. He only cares about his handsome appearance. Maybe he can't be the most handsome man in the world, but he thinks that he will be the most handsome man in the world Doctor!

Look at all his crooked senior brothers, he is the only one who looks good.

Su Yuan is always very proud of this.

His seniors always misunderstood him, thinking that he was proudly showing off his medical skills, but in fact his greatest wish in life was to show off his handsome face.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, senior brother Kang Jiantong snorted coldly.

Cheng Xu, who was at the side, heard Su Yuan's words, looked at him casually, but shook his head. Seeing him shaking his head, Su Yuan hurriedly asked, "Brother Cheng, are you right?" With a smile, he showed his gorgeous figure in front of outsiders like a peacock with its tail open.

After staying for a long time among the crooked brothers and sisters, Su Yuan felt that he was a rare young talent in the world.

Those who study medicine are so devoted to their medical skills that their hair is so worried that they have lost all their hair. It must be unbearable to look at. This so-called Dr. Pei has such excellent medical skills at a young age, so he must have put in a lot of hard work in medical books. From this, it can be seen that he may have been honed by medical books... ...a young and mature


Even though he was young, in case the other party looked like he was in his forties, his thin face was full of the wind and frost that had been ravaged by medicine books for many years.

Cheng Xu: "..."

"That's not the case." Under Su Yuan's astonished gaze, Cheng Xu shook his head, recalling the figure and appearance of Dr. Pei in his mind, and looking at Su Yuan in front of him, he felt even more distant. Not as good, he said in a very honest tone: "That Dr. Pei is a celestial being. He not only has superb medical skills, but also has an extraordinary appearance. This Mr. Su is far inferior to Dr. Pei." Su Yuan heard

him With these words, I was immediately unconvinced. How could that doctor surnamed Pei surpass him in appearance? It must be because the other party cured Cheng's father's illness, so his son infinitely beautified the appearance of that Doctor Pei in his mind.

"I'd like to meet this Doctor Pei and see what his face looks like..." Su Yuan carefully took out his precious bronze mirror from his sleeve, and looked at his handsome face in the mirror.

Kang Jiantong on the side twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that it was different from what he wanted to see.

After Pei Shu and Xue Qingling left Fangshu City, they carried Qinggong all the way to the north. Xue Qingling said that he wanted to rest, and the two stopped in a bamboo forest. Pei Shu took the bamboo tube to fetch water, and Xue Qingling took Xiao Cang to find Bamboo shoots and mushrooms and other mountain products, Xiaocang, who can only see meat in his eagle eyes, is not interested in what Xue Qingling is looking for, he just flies around Xue Qingling, waiting for the owner to catch fish for him to eat.

Suddenly, Xiao Cang seemed to have discovered something, and a sharp eagle beak screamed through the bamboo forest. Xue Qingling, who was still pinching bamboo shoots, was attracted by the other party's cry, and turned around to take a look at the place where the sound came from, and was also caught by the sound. Shouted loudly as if startled, a bag of mushrooms fell all over the ground.

Pei Shu heard his voice from a distance, and the speed of her feet was brought to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, she landed on Xue Qingling's body with her dexterity, and hugged him in her arms, "What's wrong?" "Scared...scared me to

death Yes, there is a dead mouse there." Xue Qingling patted her chest, in fact, a dead mouse is not scary, but it is more frightening to see it suddenly without being prepared, especially that mouse is red all over, hairless, just It looked like a ball of pink flesh fell there, which was shocking to see.

It looks like a newborn mouse cub, but the newborn mouse should not be so big, right?

"Dead mouse?" Pei Shu raised his eyebrows, and looked at the roots of the bamboo not far away. There were old bamboo leaves lying on the ground, and a red-pink unknown object was lying on it. From the appearance, it was indeed a lump of death. The mouse looked like a dead mouse whose fur had been peeled off.

But looking closer, the facial features on the head of this bright red thing are a bit like a pig, and its limbs are long. If you look closely, why does it look a bit like a cub of a black and white species?

And the red thing was not dead, it struggled to move.

Pei Shu looked at the surrounding bamboo forest, and then carefully looked at the lump of red soft flesh. An incredible idea came to his mind. The lump in front of him should be a newborn...


Pei Shu gently wrapped the pink thing with closed eyes with a handkerchief, once again confirming the guess in his heart, it should be that the mother panda gave birth to a pair of twins, and threw the young and thin one in the wild. This little cub was thrown here, and there is a high probability that it will not survive.

"Panda? Is this a bamboo bear?" Xue Qingling asked curiously.

Pei Shu nodded.

"It's still alive! Do you want to pick it up and raise it? It might not survive if it's thrown here."

Pei Shu hesitated. He couldn't survive if he threw it here, and it might not be possible for the two of them to bring it back. After all, neither of them had raised pandas.

What's more, for such a panda cub, the cub still needs to drink the mother panda's milk, right?

"Why don't you look for its mother first?" Pei Shu hugged Xue Qingling and the little cub, counted lightly with his toes in the bamboo forest, and his body immediately floated dozens of feet away.

The two of them walked around this vast mountain forest for a while, but found no trace of other giant pandas, but accidentally found a female black bear.

This big female black bear is taller than the two of them, Xue Qingling couldn't believe his eyes, "Blind Xiong!"

Pei Shu: "..."

He put Xue Qingling down in his arms, gave the other party a comforting look, and walked to the door. In front of the huge female black bear, under Xue Qingling's unbearable gaze, she took out a large bamboo tube of black bear milk, and then fed it to the cub's mouth along the bamboo leaves.

Pei Shu has gained experience in breastfeeding during this period of time, even if it is a different species, she is still able to handle it with ease.

Xue Qingling was as quiet as a chicken at the side, he was already frightened by the big black bear that was taller than a man, and his husband was even more brutal...

Wudou black bear and so on, he only heard of it when he listened to people's stories in the teahouse.

Seeing it with my own eyes now is legendary and terrifying.

Standing next to the big black bear, his husband looked so slender.

After Pei Shu finished feeding the milk, he said with emotion: "I don't know if it can survive..."

Xue Qingling rubbed his face, looking at the little mouse-like bamboo bear cub, he even wondered in his heart whether it was possible for this little cub Is it the child of the female black bear just now?

Can such a small cub really grow into such a big ball... a black bear?

"Maybe it's okay."

Xue Qingling looked at the little cub who closed his eyes after drinking the milk, and suddenly missed his little Pei, who was also so drowsy after drinking the milk .

"Little Doctor Pei, let's hurry up and catch the carriage."

"Well, miss the child?" Thinking of that rambunctious little guy, a gentle smile appeared in Pei Shu's eyes.

Unable to find its mother for the little panda Zai Zai, Pei Shu and Xue Qingling took it and left for the north together. As it was getting late, Pei Shu accelerated the speed of his feet, and finally found King An's carriage before the sunset .

As soon as Pei Shu landed with Xue Qingling in his arms, he heard crying and howling from inside the carriage, it was the voice of little Pei.

Why is this little guy howling like this?

Pei Shu and Xue Qingling got on the horse quickly, Princess An finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them, "You have finally rushed back, this child lost his two fathers, what a cry."

The little guy in Princess An's arms was crying so sadly, his eyes, nose and mouth were all wrinkled together, his face was full of tears, sobbing, he was almost hoarse from crying.

When Pei Shu and Xue Qingling had just left, this little thing could turn over and play in his cradle and bed, and when he didn't see his two fathers at night, he was already crying and fussing. Today, he is even more sad to the extreme. I was afraid that I would never see my father again.

When Pei Shu held the baby in his arms, the little guy felt a familiar aura, and his crying stopped for a while. Although he stopped crying, his mouth was deflated, and the baby's fat face was full of words. Full of grievances, hiccups.

"Hey, don't cry, Daddy is here."


Pei Shu and Xue Qingling coaxed the wronged little chubby, Xue Qingling held the little guy's familiar rattle and shook it, slowly attracting the little boy cub's attention.

This child was brought up by Pei Shu and Xue Qingling, and now he is very attached to the two of them, and finally being hugged by his father again, his little paws firmly grasped a strand of Pei Shu's long hair, for fear that he would leave again.

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