Author Updates <3

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Hello to anyone that may have ever read this book! I'm not sure how many people will see this—it has been over seven years after all—but I thought that this was the ideal group to share this news with.

First: hi guys!! I'm 21 years old now, I'm a few months shy of my Master's Degree, I'm a special education teacher, and my life is going super great.

Second: I am working on getting a contract right now to write and publish my own (real) book. If anything becomes official, I will let you know everything that I can.

And Third: I finally got to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda and Vanessa Nadal (over zoom). I don't think I can share too much about this project—I will of course also share it with you when it is published—but I got to work with/for the Miranda fam and now I feel like my journey is complete.

Thank you so much for being the first ever people to read my writing and cheer me on. I hope some of you see this update.

I still love you all. Thanks for making me feel worth it.


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