Chapter 156 - Abi's Birthday

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Lins POV

@Lin_Manuel - Happy Sweet 16 to my little girl @Abi_Miranda! I love you Peanut.

I posted a picture of her that I had on my phone from a couple weeks ago, and sent that out along with the tweet.

It was 8:30 a.m., Friday, May 27th, and I was squirting whipped cream on top of a stack of pancakes Vanessa made for our daughters breakfast.

"Do sprinkles go well with pancakes?" I asked my wife, who was busy, helping our son put his crayons away.

"Go with pink and gold." She said, jumping over my question.

"Okay." I said, and poured sprinkles on top of the whipped cream. I handed the pancakes off to Vanessa, and grabbed one of Abi's gifts. We were saving the necklace for dinner, and everything else for her party later. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, to videotape her response waking up. "Okay Twitterico! Good morning, I have with me, a pink gift bag, a stack of pancakes, my beautiful wife," I turned the camera to show a smiling Vanessa "and the back of my sons head." I showed his dirty blond hair. "It's my daughters 16th birthday, so, we're waking her up with pancakes." The three of us crept into her room, where she was buried deeply in her blankets.

"Morning sweetheart." Vanessa shook her awake, lightly, Abigail turned over to face us, and pushed herself up in bed.

"Morning?" She seemed confused. "Why the pancakes?" She yawned.

"Happy birthday peanut!" I smiled at her.

"It's my birthday?" She asked, seeming genuinely confused, and I stopped videoing.

"Yes." I said slowly, "sweetie, you're sixteen." I smiled.

"I am?" She asked, "you remembered my birthday?"

"Mija?" Vanessa sat down on her bed, "of course we remembered your birthday, did you, did you remember?" She asked, tentatively.

"No." Abi whispered, "it's been three years since anyone remembered, and even before that it was never really a big deal." She shrugged.

"Well, in the Miranda family it's a big deal, so, we made you pancakes, and we have one of your gifts here." I held up the pink bag, and Vanessa set the pancakes on Abi's lap.

"One of?" She asked, taking the bag.

"Your father got carried away." Vanessa whispered.

"Excuse me, I was not the one who spent over a th..." I was cut off by Vanessa hitting my chest. "Never mind, open your present." She pulled tissue paper out of the bag, and pulled the teal dress that Anthony found, out of the bag as well.

"Dad." She smiled, touched, "guys," she looked at both of us. "Thank you."

"We thought you could wear it to your party today."

"I'm having a birthday party?" She asked, excitedly.

"Of course you are." Vanessa said, running her fingers through Abi's bed head.

"I've never had a birthday party." She admitted, quietly.

"What on earth? Sweetie, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I sat down next to her, my son on my lap.

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