Chapter 26 - Lin's 36th

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Although A.Hams birthday on Monday had come and gone, we still had reason to celebrate. Again. On Friday! Today was Lin-Manuel Miranda's 36th birthday! Yay! Everyone had a show tonight so we needed to be done by 6:00, because that's when the girls had to start getting ready. Who can blame them, have you seen their hair? The first thing I was going to do when I woke up was to text Lin happy birthday, but as I was writing it I realized, it's 6:00 A.M. He will hate me and kick me out and I will have to live on the streets. Let's not do that. I put my phone down and got dressed, I had to look somewhat nice because well, let's be respectful shall we? I actually put myself into a dress, a dress. My hair was gloriously straight and maintained with a headband, the bulk of my hair fell straight down my back. My dress was navy blue with white stripes near the hem and one on the collar. I walked outside like this, then remembered that I lived in New York, and it's January. I stood shivering to death when Stewart finally showed up. I quickly scurried to the car and hopped into the backseat. He drove my to the school. I jumped out and thanked him, I hurried into the school due to the cold weather. Finally in the school, surrounded by people and heat, I walked over to my boyfriend and hugged him from behind. 

"Why hello there!" He greeted, noting my presence. 

"Hi! It's Lins birthday, so I'm leaving early." I said while walking around to stand beside him.

"Well I know it's his birthday, but why do you have to leave early?" 

"We are having a mini pre-show party from 4:30 - 6:00 because they have a show tonight. I promised I would help set up, also, I can miss math."

"Whatever you say. Wait, don't you have to do tutor that Josh kid tonight?"

"No, I rescheduled we're meeting on Monday instead. Also, if I didn't show, would he really notice, or care at all?" 

"Well I don't know him, but based on your description, yeah, he probably wouldn't care."

"I don't want to go to Spanish today. We have spoken tests, it kind of sucks."

"Well, you never know, it could be a pretty fun class."

"Ok, babe. I love you, but, how could a spoken 5 minute conversation with my Spanish teacher end up being entertaining?"

"Talk about something you like."

"Ok..." Although I was confused by his advice I walked to Spanish, and took my seat. Josie came in and sat next to me. 

"Hey, what are you going to talk about in your test?"

"Um..." I thought back to what William had told me, "Hamilton."


"Hey, he said any topic. If I can do it in Spanish, why not?" The class actually did go well, we watched The Princess Bride, and when it was our turn to test, we went outside the classroom and did the test. My teacher called my name and I walked out.

(Hi guys! Sorry for having an A/N here, but, she will have a conversation with her teacher entirely in Spanish, my Spanish sucks, and if you don't speak Spanish, she talks about Hamilton, In The Heights and Lin. Also, BTW: this is realistic, because that's what I wrote about in my actual Sem. 1 Spanish final. I got an A.)

"¡Hola Abigail!"

"Hola Sr. Garcia. Por me examen yo hablo de la persona Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton es de Nevil en la Caribe. El tengo un mama, Rachel, y un padre, James, y un mejor hermano, James. Alexander tambien tiene seis otra hermanas y hermanos pero ustedes moren antes ustedes tienen 6 años..." I talked for the full five minutes before the end of my test, my teacher looked at me oddly from then on, but that didn't bother me.

"Muy bien Miss Hamilton, gracias." With that I walked back into class, and called the next kid out, all in all, Spanish was a very good class, what with The Princess Bride and the Hamilton test. The day went by quickly, I left right after English and I hurried home. 

"Hello! I'm here! What am I supposed to do?" I yelled running into the dressing room space.

"Awesome!" Daveed handed me a pile of Star Wars posters, "can you put these in Lin's dressing room?" I looked at the first poster smiling.

"Of course I can." I skipped off to Idina Menzels old dressing room, now belonging to Lin and Groff, and began plastering the various Star Wars posters on the wall. I continued to help the select few cast members there put out yet another cake, and before we knew it, it was 4:30.

"If you have a party set up in there, I swear..." Lin walked in at 4:37, and saw the spread of food and balloons. "Thanks you guys!" 

We really did enjoy ourselves we ate cake, bagels and pie, I will never understand the specific foods this cast decided on, we sang happy birthday to Lin and when we asked him what his birthday wish was he responded,

"I don't know, I already have it all."

When we finally had to stop everyone dispersed to their respective dressing rooms and me to the lobby, for set up and selling of Hamilton Merch. 

Hiya guys! Thank. My writing is going downhill, hopefully I improve SOON. Sorry about the Spanish. Sorry. Just yeah. Sorry.

Thanks for reading


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