Chapter 85 - I Can Do This Myself

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Light poured through the window across from my bed, waking me up. I sat up in bed, and un wrapped myself from the blanket. I got up and changed into jeans and a t-shirt, and didn't bother to so much as touch my hair. I grabbed my bag and dragged myself out of my room.

"Morning Niñita." Lin was at the dining room table on his laptop writing.

"Morning. Where's Vanessa?" I asked, sitting down.

"She had to leave early, she has to be at a case in Albany, I'm driving you." He said, not taking his eyes off of his laptop. "How does this sound? It's the opening line, so, kinda important. Yeah, so, I'm, hear me out." He skimmed over his computer screen for a second before starting, to the tune of Alexander Hamilton, "How does a master's gore-filled sumptuous score
And a plot skimmed hot from a British novel
Involving a convict, hopped up on conflict
Washed up in London harbor
Grow up to be a bloody demon barber?" He stopped and looked at me for approval.

"That's for your Easter Bonnet skit?" I clarified, and he nodded. "Oh my gosh, that's so good. I'm serious, now I'm hyped for this to happen."

"Oh, you are not ready, no one is going to be ready." He said, standing up from the table, closing his laptop. "You ready to go?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said shrugging, and grabbing my bag of the back of my chair.

"Hey. Hey, you ok?" He asked, whilst walking out of the apartment.

"Yeah, not super excited about school today." I replied, semi-honestly.

"Why?" He pressed, jabbing the lobby button in the elevator with his thumb.

"William." I whispered.

"Yeah, well he's not going to talk to you, I can assure you of that. He's not going to be bothering you."

"I don't know if it's just him. Josie said that it was circulating around school. Everyone knows that my boyfriend cheated on me." I confessed.

"Oh. Well that's tough. I'm sorry." He said stepping out of the elevator.

"Yeah. I don't really want to see him, or, um..." I trailed off, not knowing if I should say anything about Luke.

"Or what?" He pressed on, opening the door to the drivers side of his car.

"Nothing." I said, deciding not to say anything.

"What were you going to say?" He obviously wanted to get something out of me.

"You know Nicks friends Luke?" I asked, nervously.

"The one from the stage door?" He asked, tightening his grip on the steering wheel slightly.


"Well, I guess, he, um..." I stammered, stumbling over my words. "He kinda told me this would happen. You know, the situation with William."

"Wait, he told you your boyfriend was going to cheat on you?"

"Not exactly, he said that William doesn't really care about me."

"I'm sorry Niñita." He said, pulling into my schools drop off zone.

"Thanks." I replied, grabbing my bag, and opening the door.

"Be safe, and have a good day." He waved a bit, as I got out of the car and headed inside.


Lunch came all too quickly. I wasn't looking forward to it. I had spent the day having people tell me that William cheated, and speaking of, I couldn't eat with him, and I was trying to remember where I ate before we dated. We became friends in like October, what did I do for that month? I think I just ate alone, or in a teachers room, I didn't want to do that.

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