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When Sarah woke up she felt dizzy and nauseous so she went to the bathroom and washed her face to see if that would help then before she realised she was on the floor gagging in front of the toilet bowl she was so worried about what bought this on she was hoping John B would hear something she heard loud footsteps she knew even in her current condition it was her lover John B she heard a light tap on the door.

Baby everything okay? John B's voiced through the door.

Sarah could hear the tiredness in his voice she wanted to tell him but she didn't want to worry him but she knew it is better to tell him.

No! Sarah said above a whisper

I'm coming in baby. John B said sweetly

Once he opened the door his heart melted at the sight of his helpless baby girl on the floor puking and shivering he gently sat down and bought her in his arms so she was on his lap she leaned her head back and while John B cleaned up her face using a warm towel he placed the towel in the washing machine and washed his hands and helped her brush her teeth.

They got settled back in bed with her head on his chest and his arms wrapped round her waist keeping her warm she fell back to sleep with the ministrations in her hair and on her arms, John B was worried about his girl all thoughts went round in his head. Pregnant, food poisoning, stomach flu all the above but the pregnant thought stuck in his head so he decided to text Kie

K: hi JB

JB:HI Kie I need your advice.

K: okay what's up

JB: well Sarah was sleeping then she got out of bed to throw up but to be honest I didn't even hear her but when I got out she was on the floor shivering and puking

K: aww poor Sarah, hmm do you know if she's late if she is then she could be pregnant because sweating morning sickness being late, moody are all signs of pregnancy wait is her appetite good?

JB: yeah that's what I thought too she has been moody lately I think she is late I'm not entirely positive and her appetite she hasn't been eating to much lately either.

K: well with all them I have a positive feeling she's pregnant congratulations guys but I'm just a kid not a doctor go to the pharmacy and pickup a test dude what is she doing now?

JB: she's sleeping right now should I wake her?

K: no no don't do that if she's sleeping let her sleep if she is pregnant then it's better to let her rest, just gently move her to the side of the bed then go to the pharmacy and pick up a test also don't be a chicken.

JB: okay I won't wake her, I moved her and I'm offended kiara i'm no chicken what test should I buy?

K: omg dude buy a 99% positive one they're the best ones to buy.

JB: okay okay no need to get all angry I'm new to this calm down.

K: also never tell a woman to calm down, bye JB

JB: noted! Bye Ki

John B drives to the pharmacy and picks up a test he pays and hopes it's negative or positive he doesn't really mind just wants to know that his girl is alright he gets home and unlocks the door to see his love of his life on the couch eating chips she looks up and runs into his open arms he places a soft kiss on her head and places the bag down on the table Sarah notices and asks what it is.

Baby? Sarah replies confused

Yes bubba? John B replies sweetly

What's that? Sarah says as she points to the green and white bag

Oh it's umm.. a pregnancy test. John B admits shyly

Sarah looks shocked as her eyes widens and she has tears in her eyes as she takes in his words.

P-pregnancy t-test? Sarah stutters out in absolute shock

Yes baby. John B replies quietly

Sarah's head goes round and round in circles as she tries to sink in his words the word pregnant stays in her head without thinking she grabs the bag and heads straight up to the bathroom and locks the door.

She takes the box out and reads out the words Written.

Clear blue

Pregnancy test 99% effective results in 3 minutes


Pregnant : I +

Not pregnant: II

She follows the instructions on how to take the test then she gets up her clock and sets a timer for 3 minutes


She starts a slow pace round the hall and waits for the timer to go off she looks at it and sees 2:00 minutes left


The timer goes off


She looks over and sees what it is.

So what do you think it is positive or negative leave comments in the box below


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