"Kiara, you can't marry him"!

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It was one day after Kiara got engaged to Rafe, their wedding was today, and JJ was not looking forward to seeing them together.

JJ, you alright bro? JB asked, because he knew how much JJ loved Kiara, and now she's marrying his worst enemy.

Yeah, yeah I'll miss Kiara but she's living a happy life, right? JJ questioned.

Kiara was with Sarah getting her Dress on, and makeup.

Yeah, you're right she'll be fine I'm sure. Pope said nervously, not too much nervousness in his voice though.

JJ, knew they were worried about him, but he has to understand that Rafe is now becoming her husband.

The girls were in Kiara's room, they couldn't go to Sarah's because of Rafe, Kiara looked beautiful. Sarah wishes it was JJ and not her brother.

You ready for this girl? Sarah asked as she made the finishing touches on her dress and makeup.

Kiara loved JJ, of course she was not ready to marry Rafe, but she had to put on a brave face, hoping she can go through with it.

Yep! Kiara responded eagerly.

Sarah knew she was lying, they were friends since the 3rd grade, Sarah always got into the lie.

Kie, we've been friends since the 3rd grade, what's wrong? Sarah asked, as she packed everything away, and sat on the bed.

Well I love Rafe, don't get me wrong, but I'll miss being with JJ. Kiara stated sadly, as she picked at the fabric of her dress.

Sarah knew this would come out eventually, she always pictured JJ and Kiara getting married, but not to her brother.

I know girl, I know you'll be shocked by this but, I always have pictured you with JJ, not with Rafe. Sarah admitted.

Kiara was shocked by the statement, maybe she was right for JJ, but she has to marry Rafe.

Alrighty you ready girly? Sarah asked, as they both got up.

Yep, let's go make Me Mrs Kiara Cameron. Kiara stated as they both went out of the room.

You handsome bro! Topper and Kelce agreed.

Thanks guys! Rafe said as he tidied up his tie, ready to get married to his one and only girl.

Ready guys! Rafe asked, and they both nodded.

Alright, let's go then. Topper asked.

The boys made their way to the church, while waiting for the rest of them to arrive.

Okay, let's go Kie, the Boys are there already. Sarah told Kiara.

Okay. Kiara walked outside, and they both got into the car, Kiara thought, can she do this? Will she mess it up? Will Rafe still wanna marry her?

At the chateau, JJ was in his room, they all knew how special this day would have been to him.

Do you think he's okay? JB asked.

To be honest, I have no idea, this was meant to be Kiara and JJ's wedding, I have feeling this wedding will not go ahead, not if JJ has something to do with it. Pope replied honestly.

Yep, you have a point there pope, I mean all we can do is be happy for Kiara, but Kiara knows JJ and if JJ isn't with us, then she'll lose her mind. JB replied sadly.

Yep, we have to make sure JJ is with us then. Pope responded.

Let's go get him pope. JB said, as they made their way to the bedroom.

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