"Talk to me baby"

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It was one night when JJ and his wife Kiara were in bed asleep until Kiara heard muttering next to her.

No, no please stop dad, don't hit me. JJ whimpered. 

Kiara's heart breaks to see her vulnerable husband whimpering, as if his dad was with him. 

Shhh, baby it's okay I'm here. Kiara whispered as she brought his head cuddled into her side, so he knows she's there for him. 

JJ stops whimpering, and opens up his dazed eyes and starts to cry. 

Aww bubba, shhh it's okay I got you, you're safe it was just a nightmare you're okay. Kiara softly said as she rubbed his back. 

What was your dad going to hit you for baby? Kiara questioned softly. 

JJ didn't really wanna tell his wife in case she judged him or left him, so he decided to tell her he didn't wanna talk about it. 

I-I don't wanna talk about baby. JJ whispered quietly. 

Kiara knew this must of scared him and so bad he didn't wanna tell her, but she didn't pressure she just said it's okay. 

Hey, it's okay tell me when you're ready baby. Kiara suggested softly.

Okay. JJ muttered out sleepily as he cuddled into kiara's side. 

It's okay bubba, you can go to sleep I'm here. Kiara whispered even though he was asleep. 

JJ fell asleep cuddled into his wife, which kept him safe and grounded in case something happened.

Kiara stroked his head and the nightmare began to play on her mind, why did his dad want to hit him for? What happened? Kiara will never know until JJ tells her. 

They both got up, but Kiara was surprised he didn't say good morning like he normally does, so she decided to ask if he was okay. 

Hey baby, you okay? You never said good morning to me? Kiara spoke up. 

JJ's head was all over the place after the dream last night, his dad wanted to hit him because he didn't get the money for him. 

Oh sorry, good morning Kie. JJ said with a hint of sadness.

Good morning babe. Kiara responds. 

Kiara knew he wasn't with it, because he doesn't say her name if he was okay, which evidently he wasn't.

The couple were both in their beach clothes, as they were meeting with the Pogues. 

Ready babe? Kiara said as they walked downstairs to the front door. 

Mhmm. JJ just gave a mumble, as they got in the car making their way to the wreck.

Kiara was getting worried about her husband, not talking is not normal for him and not listening to her. 

They arrived at the wreck, and got out they saw their best friends near the boat waiting. 

Hey love birds. Sarah replied as they hugged each other hello. 

Hey guys! Kiara boomed, as she took note of her husband looking at the ground. 

Yo, JJ you okay bro? JB asked as he was worried for his brother. 

Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine. JJ replied quietly. 

Sarah then looked at Kiara, who shrugged her shoulders, and smiled sadly. 

Sarah told the guys, her and Kiara are gonna go talk. 

We'll be back soon guys. Sarah shouted. 

All of them nodded. 

So, what's up JJ's ass? Sarah questioned as they were walking.

Kiara didn't know whether to tell her or not, so she eventually told her. 

Umm, JJ had a nightmare yesterday night, and it was a bad one, so bad that he didn't tell me, when we woke up he didn't even say good morning or anything. Kiara said sadly. 

Sarah was shocked by that statement, because she always thought of him as a brother, but this was a new low for JJ, not saying good morning to his wife. 

Awww, I'm so sorry Kie, I'll talk to him about it. Sarah suggested. 

Oh okay, thank you so much. Kiara said happily.

Of course, anything for you guys. Sarah boomed. 

The girls made their way back to the boys, who were trying to talk to JJ but JJ didn't seem to care. 

Hey boys! Kiara said as they sat down. 

Hey Kie, can you please talk to JJ, he ain't answering and we're worried. JB asked with worry laced in his voice.

JJ got annoyed with all of them gossiping about him because he didn't want to talk. 


They were all stunned by JJ's sudden outburst, they all turned to Kiara. 

What? I basically know half as much as you do, so no point looking at me. Kiara voiced. 

I'll talk to him. Sarah got up and followed JJ. 

JJ was sobbing against a tree, from the nightmare he had, and everyone was worried about him. 

JJ? Sarah shouted, she stopped in her tracks as she saw her best friend in tears at a tree.

Sarah walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, notifying him that she was there. 

I'm here JJ. Sarah whispered. 

I-I'm s-scared! JJ sobbed out.

Sarah was broken into tears, at what he said, he was scared of his father hitting him. 

Aww, bud no one going to hurt you anymore. Sarah hugged him and felt his tremble in her arms. 

I-I want k-Kie. JJ whispered. 

Of course J, I'll get her for you, wait here okay. Sarah said as she rushed to get Kiara. 

Sarah arrived at the wreck, and saw Kiara with the others laughing. 

Sarah rushed over to them and told Kiara she was needed. 

Kie, JJ needs you, he's crying and it's not pretty. Sarah said sadly as she sat with her husband John B.

Kiara was thankful that Sarah got through to him and he needed her. 

Aww, my poor baby, thanks Sarah. Kiara ran off to see her husband.

Baby? Kiara shouted, as she saw her husband crouched down in tears with his head on his knees. 

Kiara ran over to him, and took his cap off to slowly massage his head to calm him down. 

Shhh, it's okay bubba, I got you. Kiara whispered as she brought him in her arms. 

I-I'm scared o-of my d-dad. JJ whimpered. 

Kiara's lovely handsome baby, was scared of his own father, no child should be scared, but Luke wasn't a father, he was a drunk and a drug addict who cared more about that, than his own son. 

I am so so sorry baby, but don't worry okay, I got you and your loved by me and the guys.Kiara whispered out, 

I know. JJ gulped out. 

Do you wanna go home baby? Kiara asked her husband. 

Yes please babe. JJ whispered. 

Alright then, let's go. Kiara suggested. 

They told the guys and they all understood what happened, the couple got in the car and arrived home. 

Baby, do you wanna have a nap? Kie suggested softly. 

JJ just nodded his head and made his way to the couch. 

JJ lied his head down on kie's lap who massaged his curls. 

Night my baby, sleep well. Kiara whispered. 

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