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One morning at 2AM Sarah woke up to cuddle up with her husband but surprised when she was met with a cold bed, it was 2AM where could he of gone at this time nothing's open that time, Sarah wondered as she looked around.

Where are you baby? Sarah whispers to no one.

Sarah walks into the bathroom and looks behind the door to see if he was in there but he wasn't, so she looked downstairs it was still dark outside and the lights were still off in the hall. This was strange because he would have told her if he struggled to sleep or needed to clear his head.

Babe? Sarah calls out in the dark.

No response

Baby this isn't funny anymore. Sarah says with worry in her voice.

No response

Sarah goes upstairs and sits on their bed to try and stop the tears from falling but she fails, where could he be sarah wonders, so she decides to do a group chat.


Sarah: ❤️

JJ: 😏

Kiara: 😘

Pope: 😜

Sarah❤️:  Yo guys! (2:00)

JJ😏: what's up Sarah it's 2AM. (2:05)

Pope😜: yeah, what's up your ass at 2AM! (2:10)

Kiara😘: yeah what's wrong? Tryna sleep here. (2:12)

Sarah❤️: well I'm sorry, but John B's gone and I don't know where, I looked everywhere but he's not in the house. (2:20)

Kiara😘: oh shit, not again. (2:25)

JJ😏: did he act strange yesterday when you went to bed? (2:30)

Pope😜: yeah, JJ makes a valid point. (2:36)

Sarah❤️: umm. now u mention it, yeah a bit, he wasn't with it, when I asked how his day went, he shut me down. (2:39)

Pope😜: oh shit. (2:40)

Kiara😘: oh gosh, that's not good. (2:45)

JJ😏: no, that's not good at all. (2:46)

Sarah❤️: guys this is my husband we're talking about , if you know something tell me!! (2:50)

Pope😜: Ummm. (3:00)

Kiara😘: well. (3:02)

JJ😏: oh thanks a lot guys. well Sarah, John B only shut you out because. Umm he got into a fight with topper a bad one, and he didn't talk to us at all just ignored us. (3:05)

Sarah❤️: what the fuck, well what was the fight about?? (3:10)

JJ😏: Sarah.. (3:20)

Sarah❤️: Jay Jaxon Maybank, what the heck happened between my husband and topper. (3:23)

Pope😜: ooh you're in the fire zone now buddy. (3:35)

JJ😏: appreciate that pope really. The fight was about big John, topper said some things, horrible things, which set John B on a rampage and beat the stuff outta him. (3:40)

Sarah❤️: oh wow, I swear I'm gonna deck that son of a bitch. (3:45)

JJ😏: I knew you were gonna say something like that, don't worry I said something which scared him off. (3:50)

Pope😜: guys I think I know where he might of gone. (3:52)

Kiara😘: Where? (3:55)

Sarah❤️: Pope, where? (4:00)

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