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it was a sunny day and JJ and kiara offered to babysit for Sarah and John B's baby boy, they said yes and they can have a day to themselves, they got Michael ready for their auntie and uncle, while JJ and kiara were on their way to the couple's house. 

Hey baby, can you come up here and get our little runner bean ready as he doesn't wanna put his clothes on. Sarah replies exhaustedly. 

Haha, yep dada's coming. John B replies as he rushes upstairs. 

Ah there's my little troublemaker. John B exclaims as he sees his little boy crawling around in his diaper only. 

John B eventually catches up to his son and carries him to the bed. 

Haha, let's get you dressed for auntie Kie and uncle JJ shall we? John B replies sweetly. 

Eeee goo goo. Michael babbles as he kicks his small feet. 

Aww well done my monkey. John B replies as he places Michael in his play pen. 

All done baby. John B says as he kisses the temple of her head with an arm hooked around her shoulder.

Oh thank you so much, he can be exhausting but he's our cute little peanut. Sarah says sweetly as they watch their son play with his cars. 

They get brought out of their moment as they hear the doorbell ring, meaning it was Kie and JJ, as soon as they opened the door they were arguing about dressing. 

Omg kiara, I just have to wear board shorts and a shirt. JJ explains with enthusiasm. 

I know, but you're a boy, girls take longer to get ready, they need to do their hair and make up. Etc.. 

but... JJ doesn't have time to finish his argument as they get interrupted by John B.

Umm. Hi everyone okay? John B replies. 

Hi and yes everything's fine, just JJ making a big deal on clothes. Kiara replies walking inside. 

I'm not making a big deal about anything babe! JJ saying as he also walks in.

Haha okay baby. Kiara laughs. 

Anyway where's our little munchkin? JJ replies. 

Umm. He's upstairs with sarah, or not. John B says as they see Sarah with Michael in her arms babbling about nothing. 

Oh hi you two. Sarah says over her baby's babbling. 

Hi sarah. Kie and JJ say as they coo at their nephew. 

Aww hello little man. Kiara says as JJ takes him out of Sarah's arms and blows raspberries into his little tummy, this makes michael giggle. 

Aww look at his giggle, baby. JJ says surprisingly, as he looks at Kiara. 

John B and Sarah are both very happy that they have friends like them. 

Okay guys we're going to go out for dinner. John B says as he picks up their jackets and hands Sarah's jacket to sarah. 

Okay he'll be fine with us. Kiara says as she rocks him swiftly. 

Yeah dude go have fun with your girl. JJ teases and winks an eye.

JJ!! Everyone exclaims. 

What? JJ responds like there's nothing wrong. 

There's a baby here and don't say stuff like that! Kiara says leaving no room for an argument, and gives JJ a disapproving look. 

Okay okay chill. JJ says as he raises his hands in surrender. 

Everyone giggles as JJ places his hands down. 

Okay go, go get outta here! JJ shouts. 

Now who's the one who needs chilling. Sarah explains as they go out the door. 

Yep I know see ya, have a good night. Kie replies. 

They go indoors and see Michael crying his eyes out. 

Awww sweetie. Kiara picks him up and rocks him gently. 

Aww what's up little man. JJ asks gently. 

Michael doesn't say anything just clings to Kiara, as she rubs his small back. 

Shhh it's okay, it's okay I got you sweetie. Kiara says softly.

What's wrong babe? JJ asks 

I think he misses Sarah and John B. Kiara whispers, as his sobs become little sniffles. 

Awww poor little guy. JJ says as he ruffles Michael's hair. 

Michael giggles and reaches his arms out to JJ, who gladly accepted his arms. 

Hello little buddy! JJ says as he takes his big hand and places it in his small hand and bounces him on his hip. 

Kiara's heart melts at the interaction between her boyfriend and her nephew. 

Kiara looks at the time and it says 18:00, knowing it's time for Michael's bed time. 

Come on guys! Time for Michael's bed time. Kiara  shouts playfully.

Awww! JJ and Michael pout. 

I know but come on  you two. Kiara says as they ascend up the stairs to the bedroom. 

JJ places Michael in his cot, and kisses his head softly.

Night bud. JJ whispers.

Night baby boy, kiara kisses his head too. 

They tuck him in and read him a bedtime story. 

Both JJ and Kiara go downstairs once they make sure he's asleep. 

As they come down they see John B's car pulling into the driveway.

Sarah and John B unlock their door and see Kiara, JJ in the hall. 

Hey guys!! Sarah responds. 

Hi how was your date. Kiara and JJ reply playfully. 

It was good.. Sarah responds as John B's arm goes round her shoulder.

Yeah good. John B speaks as well. 

Ummm. Okayyy anyway we'll go, Michael's in bed already. Kie says. 

Aww thanks guys, and for looking after him. Sarah replies. 

Yeah no problem you got it, night you two lovebirds. JJ says 

Night guys. They say as Sarah and John B shut their door and go up to bed with their son. 

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