The pogues save JJ from doing something stupid part 2

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They were arriving at the chateau and JJ was still asleep, they all got out and Kiara woke up JJ.

Baby, hey we're home, you wanna wake up? Kiara suggested as she placed a cool hand on his face. 

JJ stirs awake and sits up and walks out of the Twinkie with his wife's help, they both walk in, all the Pogues hug him and he hugs back. 

We're gonna go upstairs for a while. Kiara suggests as the others all nod their heads and watches them both go upstairs. 

Kiara opens the door allowing JJ walk in as she closes the door until she hears the click, she turns around and sees her husband breaking down again. 

Aww JJ, c'mere. Kiara wraps her arms around him and lets him cry on her shoulder, doesn't care if her shirt gets wet. 

Shhh, it's okay I got you baby, just let it out bubba, I'll be here for you when you wanna talk or wanna hug or cuddle. 

JJ just nods his head and sobs more in her arms. 

Shhhh. Kiara shushes softly as she massaged his back and head to calm him down a bit. 

JJ calms down under her ministrations on him and takes a long big sigh and closes his eyes and leans into her touch. 

There you go baby. Kiara whispers as he relaxes under her. 

You wanna have a nap together? Kiara suggests as she takes his red cap off and placed it on the table. 

Mhmmm. JJ mumbles too tired to talk. 

Kiara walks them over to their bed, Kiara gets in and JJ lies on her lap as she does what she was doing before. 

Just go to sleep baby, I'll be here for you. Kiara shushes softly. 

JJ falls asleep quite quickly, from the tears and Kiara's fingers. 

Kiara lays there awake, wondering what happened just a few hours ago, she feels so bad for her sweet baby, she could go to Barry's house herself, and knock the shit outta of him and knock him on his ass. 

Kiara's moment was interrupted as she heard a whimper from her husband, he was caught in a nightmare. 

No, no daddy don't go, I'll be a good boy, I'll miss you. JJ whimpers out. 

Kiara can't help a few tears roll down her face, as she hears him whimper out for his dad. 

Kiara pushes his gently to her chest, and kisses his head softly, hoping that will wake him up from his heartbreaking dream. 

Baby, it's okay you're safe with me in our bed, it's okay, can you wake up for me bubba. Kiara whispered. 

JJ opens his eyes and rubs the tears away, unknown to what happened to him in a period of 5 minutes. 

What happened? JJ asks confused. 

You had a nightmare baby. Kiara whispered. 

Oh, okay, I'm so sorry baby. JJ said quietly, this was the first time someone ever saw him have a nightmare. 

Hey, hey no it's okay, I'm not mad at all baby. Kiara explains with a small smile. 

Oh okay, c-can you hold me tonight? JJ asks shyly. 

Kiara's heartbreaks at the question, of course she'll hold him, she always will. 

Aww baby, of course I will you don't have to worry I'll always say yes. Kiara says with definite certainty. 

Thanks baby. JJ whispers out. 

No problem bubba, I'll be here and I always will be. 

The couple both fall asleep in each other's arms and hope for a peaceful night. 

Hi my readers!!

This got me into tears, this was so sad to write honestly. 

Vote, comment and suggest. 

Stay safe! 

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