Panic attack john B

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It was one night, where Sarah and John B were sleeping, until something happened.

John B jolted awake, gasping for breath as he had tears streaming down his face.

Sarah was woken by her husband's sudden moment, Sarah was shocked to see her baby having a panic attack in the middle of the night.

Baby, hey, hey shhhh, it's okay, listen to my voice I'm here okay, you're safe. Sarah whispered.

John B tried to take some deep breaths, and listen to his wife's voice, but it was too hard. 

Baby, slow down your breathing, copy me okay, in 1234 out 1234. Sarah breathed out. 

John B matched her breathing, and took some slow breaths, it worked until he was fully able to breathe. 

There you go baby, nice deep breaths. Sarah spoke up. 

Thanks! John B said tiredly. 

No problem baby, let's go back to sleep now? Sarah suggested. 

JB nodded his head, and they both lied down, and JB cuddled into Sarah's chest, and fell asleep to Sarah creating soft ministrations on his head. 

Sleep well my love, I'll be here. Sarah whispered. 

Sarah lied down and fell asleep with John B in her arms sleeping peacefully. 

Hi my readers!!

This was requested, so I hope you like it. 

Remember to add more comments or ideas, in the request chapter. 

~ stay safe 😊

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