The Pogues save JJ from doing something stupid

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It was morning and JJ also Kiara and the rest were eating breakfast, until they needed to save JJ.

So, how's Michael doing? Kiara asked Sarah.

Oh, he's doing great! Little mischief definitely takes after this one here. Sarah jokes as she points to her husband.

Hmm? John B replies not sure what's going on.

Everyone giggles apart from JJ who is focused on his breakfast and coffee.

Hey earth to JJ. Pope jokes.

Huh, oh hey did I miss something? JJ replies.

No just saying Michael is a little mischief and takes after John B. Sarah fills in JJ.

Kiara notices something is wrong, because she knows JJ would never miss a conversation with them, so she takes the next step and asks what's up.

Babe? You never miss anything we say what's up? Kiara pipes up and talks to her husband who is concentrating on his breakfast while the rest of the group stare at them.

Yeah I'm fine, just a bit busy, eating breakfast you know? JJ asks as though they should understand.

They all fake their understanding, they all know he's either planning something or he's just actually "busy".

Give me a hour guys, I'll be back. JJ pipes up as he gets up from his seat and rushes off.

Everyone just looks at him rushing off and straight away they know something is up, because he wouldn't just bolt like that.

After an hour

Okay guys it's been an hour! where the hell is he and where would he go? Kiara spoke up.

Umm, he's JJ, there's a lot of places where he would go Kie. JB speaks up.

John B's right, could he be going with the Twinkie somewhere? Sarah pipes up.

Sarah you're funny, smart and all but if he would take the Twinkie, he would probably forget were here, and then how we would get back. Pope responds

Everyone else chuckles lightly.

Umm. Hello, JJ's still missing. Kiara speaks annoyed.

Right, right. Umm, he's JJ, where would you go to get revenge on someone. JB pipes up.

Everyone thinks at where they all might go if they were JJ

Oh no! Kiara speaks as she realises where he might of gone.

Everyone looks at Kiara and says what's up or wrong.

I think I know where he might of gone guys. Kie says as she looks around, then her eyes back on their staring eyes.

You know the cash run, when JJ rushed out to go to the guy's house? Kiara speaks up.

I remember, carry on. Sarah speaks after.

Well, JJ might of not told you, and I don't think I should but it's my hubby and brother we're talking about here.

They all nod, and Kiara continues speaking.

So, it was when we left you, to all go home. We were in bed and JJ's phone was ringing and it was the sheriff.

All of them nodded in agreement.

And umm, well JJ got the call saying Luke was shot dead, JJ just broke down and I managed to make him go sleep.

All the Pogues gasp at what they just heard from their friends mouth.

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