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Sarah is now 38 weeks pregnant and they haven't been with the Pogues for awhile so they're going to meet up with them for lunch.

Baby! Sarah shouts from upstairs.

Yes sweetie. John b says as he ascends the stairs and into their room.

I have no clothes that fit over my bump. Sarah says sadly

Aww baby, I know. John B says as he sits on the edge of the bed.

Sarah walks over and takes out some maternity pants and one of John B shirts.

You ready wife. John B says as he walks down.

Ready husband. Sarah says sweetly.

They get into the car and drive to the wreck and see the pogues on the boat.

They jump out and walk over to them and say there hello's and yo's

Hi baby mama. Kiara says as she goes to hug sarah.

Hi Kie. He is making my tummy cramp and playing football in there, so exhausting. Sarah says in a tired voice.

Oh god, he will do that, just wait until the birth and it will be more exhausting.

Gee thanks that made my day perfect. Sarah says sarcastically.

Sarah and kiara both laugh and walk up to the rest of the group where they're sitting,

Hi baby you okay? John B asked.

Hi, yeah all good. Sarah responded.

They all ate lunch, pope eating with Cleo, Sarah with John B eating noodles. And JJ and Kie sharing a burger.

It all went good until Sarah felt a small kick in her belly, it started to worsen as time went on, she thought it was nothing until she felt water trickle down her legs.

Umm, Guys. Sarah said in a panicked voice.

All the pogues stopped what they were eating and all looked at Sarah with wide eyes, especially John B who didn't know what to say or do.

Kiara spoke up first.

What are we doing here, Pope and Cleo get the Twinkie round, John B and JJ let's help Sarah instead of sitting here like a bunch of dumbasses, no offence to Sarah. Kiara said quickly.

Let's move people!! Kiara shouted.

Pope and Cleo got up and brought the Twinkie round while John B, JJ and kiara helped Sarah walk towards the vehicle, they got Sarah in the car while Pope and Cleo drove to the hospital, John B and JJ panicking. Kiara helping Sarah with the passing contractions.

Hey you two stop being a bunch of dumbasses and help me. Kiara practically yelled.

The boys made their way over to their girls John B helped Sarah breathe through it.

That's it baby just breathe your okay, just breathe. John B says gently.

Yeah well done Sarah you're doing really well. JJ piped up.

Sarah continues breathing and panting trying to control the cramps

Oh my god this hurts!! Sarah yelled.

I know baby I know but you're doing so well. John B says enthusiastically.

Hey guys we're here!! Pope pipes up.

Cleo jumps out first and calls for a stretcher, two nurses appear with a bed and the pogues help place Sarah onto it.

What's her name? The nurse asked

Jarah and jiara imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora