Migraine - JJ maybank

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It was one evening when Kiara was at home watching a movie eating dinner, waiting for JJ to come home from work. 

She was halfway through the movie as she hears the door close notifying Kiara it was JJ, she pauses the movie, and gets up to meet him at the door, she notices he looks more tired than usual and he's whimpering and pulling his hair. 

Hi baby. Kiara says brightly. 

Hi. JJ says as he winces at the lights in the lounge and kitchen, he took his shoes off and placed them in the shoe locker as he made his way to the couch. 

Kiara watched her boyfriend movements, then it all clicks for her, JJ had a migraine

Aww baby do you have a migraine? Kiara asked softly 

JJ just nodded his head, whimpering as it got worse.

Kiara made her way to her boyfriend and sat on the couch near his head and placed his fragile sore head on her lap, and stroked his head and massaged it to take some pressure off. 

Mmmh. JJ just mumbles as he can feel his eyes get heavy with the ministrations done  on his head, and snuggles further into her lap. 

Shhh it's okay it will be all over soon, just try and relax your whole body and head, let me take care of you for a change. Kiara says quietly. 

JJ does what she says and falls off into a deep sleep with his head still on her lap.

Kiara then reaches over to the table and grabs an ice pack for his eyes, she then takes his hand away from his face and places it down, while placing the ice over his forehead and eyes. 

JJ wakes up at the new feeling and whimpers as the cold mixes in with his hot head. 

Kiara softly shushes him and soothes him back to sleep while moving the ice pack over his face in soothing circles. 

JJ sighs as the cool on his face feels nice as it eases his migraine a bit and it becomes more bearable. 

Shh it's it's okay, you can fall asleep if you'd like. Kiara suggests softly. 

JJ nods his head again and falls back into a deep sleep. 

Kiara does the same and leans back on the couch and falls asleep while still rubbing the ice on JJ's head soothingly. 

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