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mentions of abuse, fighting, crying and swearing don't like don't watch

JJ was with his dad at the cop station getting released by plumb. Who explained the orders. 

I'm sorry to say I'm his dad. Luke says disrespectfully, as he looks at JJ whose eyes are on the floor. 

His court hearing is next week, fail to show up it's an automatic breech of bail conditions. 

You will pay the Minimum cash of 30 Million Dollars, as well as restitution for the damage. 

Restitution? Luke says to make sure he hears it right. 

Yes sir, to pay for the damage which was caused, it's part of the plea. Plumb responds with an eyebrow raised.

Anyway, just sign here and you're free to take him. 

Luke quickly scribbles his signature on the sign out sheet. 

Go on JJ, move. Luke demands angrily.

JJ and his dad walk the short way to the van, walking side by side. 

So where are you going to get 30k from JJ? Luke says angrily. 

I-I'll find it dad, don't worry I'll pay you back. JJ says with a hint of nervousness.

Yeah you better. Luke demands, as he walks to the drivers side. 

Get the hell in the car JJ! Luke demands angrily. 

JJ hesitantly jumps in the passenger side and does his belt up. 

Look dad I'm- JJ gets cut off with a shove to the glass window and blood splatters on the passenger window. 

30K! where the hell are you going to get it from, you little shit. Luke just punching and shoving, mad at what his son had did, but JJ was scared of him and why he does this.

The car rocking side to side as Luke just carries on. 

They got home, Luke was downstairs yelling and JJ and JJ in his room freaking out.

You will get that 30K somehow you little shit. Luke said whilst drinking. 

You hear me! you're nothing but a worthless piece of shit. Luke yells. 

JUST SHUT UP, SHUT UP, JJ demands as he bangs on his door and walking round the room with his hand scrunched in his hair. 

He has only one option left to save him from his dad. 


He grabs his phone and starts texting with Kiara. 

Hi Kie.

Listen, I'm outta jail, My dad beat me up, nothing unusual happening, can I come over to yours later? Text me back when you get this. Love ya. 

JJ x 

Sent 12:05 

JJ paces waiting for his girl to text, he notices his dad no longer shouting, he's probably wasted or passed out. His phone pings bringing him back to the present. 

New message Kiara

Hi baby, 

Omg, are you okay? Did he do anything else other than beat you?  And yes of course you can come over I would never say no to you, even if it's just a call, coming over to stay ,I don't care what time you come just come over, and I'm so glad your outta jail, love ya 2 J

Kie x 

Sent 12:10 

JJ couldn't help but laugh at all his girlfriend's questions, she really did love him and he did too, and so thankful he could come over anytime. 

Hi babe 

Yes I'm fine baby, all he did was beat me, and thank you for letting me crash over, I'll be there in 10, love ya. 

JJ x 

Sent at 12:14 

JJ ran into his closet and picked out some clothes for the crash at Kiara's, he placed some new clothes on and winced at the stinging of the shirt rubbing his cut lip, he placed some joggers on, and placed the duffel bag on his shoulder, he runs downstairs and sees his dad passed out on the couch, with empty beer cans and white stuff scattered on the glass table, he started crying and sniffing at how his dad  could do this and not be a loving father who loves him for him.

He just leaves and slams the door shut, tears stinging his eyes as he runs to his motorcycle and drives to his girlfriend's house. 

Kiara was in her room on her violin playing notes which she learned from kindergarten, waiting for JJ to come over, she stops what she's doing as she hears a motorcycle pulling up, without a second thought she knew it was JJ. 

JJ climbed the tree into Kiara's window as she opened it, her heart broke at what she saw, her boyfriend covered in bruises, cuts and an open cut lip but not too serious, tears stinging her eyes as he let a few tears roll down. 

She helped him in her room and shut the window gently to not aggravate her poor baby. As she turned round her heart shattered as her sarcastic and funny, happy boyfriend crumble in front of her. 

Aww baby cm'ere. Kiara said as he  ran into her open arms and let out a few sobs, as she rubbed his back soothingly and used her other hand to stroke his blonde hair and felt his body shake in her hold. 

Shhhh it's okay bubba, I got you, you're safe with me baby I promise. Kiara soothed gently as he calmed down under her arms and touch. 

They pulled away and JJ looked exhausted and had dry blood on his face and neck and hair where his dad beat him.

Hi baby, what about we get you in the shower yeah and we can take this dry blood off you if you'd like? Kiara suggested softly. 

Yes please. JJ replies quietly but enough for Kiara to hear. 

They both got up and let kiara take them to the shower. 

Kiara helped JJ get his clothes off as they she folded them up nicely and put them on the hanger on the wall. 

Kiara them helped JJ into the shower, she got in there to after she got undressed, once she got in she allowed JJ to cuddle into her and lay his head on her chest while she washed his neck softly, then his arms, body and then finally massaged the shampoo into his hair as he let out a big sigh and closed his eyes enjoying the warm water and the feeling of his girl's fingers going gently through his hair.

She washed the shampoo out while she covered his eyes so the shampoo didn't get into his eyes while the water was flowing through his hair. 

She eventually dried him off and herself as they got into their Pyjamas while JJ sat on the closed toilet seat with his eyes closed as she works on her cuts and bruises with soft hands. 

She finishes and they both settle in bed with JJ's head on Kie's chest as she absentmindedly plays with his hair while her eyes are focused on the tv while JJ focuses on sleeping. 

Kiara can sense he's still scared, so she places a hand on his shoulder reminding him she's there and he's with her safe. 

JJ trusts Kiara with his whole life and he would go to any lengths if someone tries to hurt his girl. 

It's okay Bubba, you're safe with me in my room, no one is gonna hurt you anymore, you can fall asleep I'm right here if you need anything baby. Kiara replies motherly. 

JJ just nods his head, to tired to speak he snuggles into her chest and he succumbs to sleep, with his girl's fingers on his head. 

Kiara feels her boyfriend's breathing even out indicating he's asleep, so she tries to do the same, she lays down gently, she doesn't move his head as it will cause him to wake up, she just settles down with his head on her chest sleeping, that's all she needs to fall asleep and she does. 

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