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One morning Sarah woke up as usual she reached her arm out to cuddle her boyfriend but she was surprised when she got met with cold sheets, she sat up whirling her brain if she any idea where John B could of been. She looked at her phone and checked the time.


Sarah wondered where he would have been at that time so she called her best friend Kiara.

K: morning Sarah

S:morning Kie

K: what's up

S: well when I woke up I thought I was going to be met with eyes but I was met with cold sheets, I have no idea where John B is.

K: well I'll call JJ and see if they're together smoking or drinking beer and whatnot don't worry I'm sure he's fine I'll let you know if he's with JJ.

S: okay thanks Kie.

K: you got it Sarah.

Sarah is glad she can rely on her best friend to find John b but Kie is right I'm sure he's fine, Sarah hears her phone go off, it's a message from Kiara.

New message from Kiara

Hi Sarah, he's with JJ at the wreck there fine, they asked don't go there for awhile I know why, but I'm not allowed to say and I don't wanna be on JB's or JJ's bad side.

Kiara x

Sent 8:20

Hi Kiara, okay thank god he's with JJ, I mean JJ is okay to be with but smoking is tempting for JJ, okay I'll go to the wreck when you text me.

Sarah x

Sent 8:25

Sarah is going round in her head why are they at the wreck and why did they tell others and not her.

At the wreck

All the pogues were with each other without Sarah as John B was getting ready to propose to her and he needed the pogues help. There were all sorts of things to do.

Guys! let's think how is John B going to propose? Kiara voiced first.

Umm. Get down on one knee like normal people? JJ said

I know that JJ, I meant like decorations and stuff. Kiara said

Yeah Kie's got a point what decorations though? Pope spoke up

My dad's got some from when they got married in the back we could use them? Kiara suggested.

Yeah good idea guys glad we have you onboard. John B said with enthusiasm.

No problem bro, we got your back always, once with a pogue always a pogue. JJ spoke.

As the rest of the pogues figured out the decorations and driving to the cake shop in the Twinkie they were all ready for John B to propose to the love of his life.

Back at John B's and Sarah's apartment

Sarah was watching their favourite show with chips waiting for a text message from Kiara saying she can go over there, Sarah's phone pinged it was from Kiara ready for her.

New message from Kiara

Hi Sarah, were ready! wear a skirt and tank top with a jumper, see you in 20 minutes


Kiara x

Sarah did what Kiara said she went up to John b and her room and walked into the closet pulled out a pink short skirt, and a camel coloured tank top with a white jumper. She grabbed her keys and raced to the car and switched the engine on heading to the wreck sending a quick message to Kiara.

Hi kie, on my way see you shortly

Sarah x

Sent 13:15

Back at the wreck

Okay guys Sarah's on her way everything ready? Kiara said almost shouting.

Yep, yeah were coming from their mouths.

Kiara spotted Sarah's car pulling up she quickly pulled the boys out of their conversation.

Guys she's here places!! Kiara shouted.

Everyone hid in their places, JJ and Kiara together behind the kitchen, pope with John B hiding behind the tables as they wait for Sarah.

Sarah pulled up and switched the engine off as she walked into the wreck.

All the guys shouted surprise in unison which scared the life out of Sarah.

SURPRISE!! All the kids said together.

Sarah didn't see it coming she was gobsmacked at what she saw, the wreck was covered in flowers and bunting with congratulations on the wall.

Sarah has tears in her eyes because she can't believe what she is seeing, the tears immediately flowing down as she saw her boyfriend get down on one knee.

Sarah Rose Cameron will you marry me and become my wife! John B replied with happiness as he watches his girl trying to stop crying.

Sarah doesn't know what to say she's so happy that she will become his wife she manages to stop crying and says her answer.

Yes oh my gosh I would love to be mrs routledge, Sarah kisses him passionately as she is now going to become his wife.

All the others pogues cheered and screamed as both their best friends got engaged they all came over and hugged the engage couple.

The next part will be their wedding.

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