JJ quiet

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One morning at the chateau, it was JJ and his girlfriend Kiara, Cleo and her boyfriend pope, and Sarah and her husband John B, who was sitting, chatting and laughing whilst drinking, but JJ wasn't talking only listening while drinking beer. 

Kiara notices her boyfriend not his usual chatty self instead he was more focused on his phone reading messages, so she decides to ask him the most obvious question. 

Hey baby you okay? Kiara asked gently. 

Yeah, yeah fine Kie. Just catching up some messages that's all. JJ replies with a smile on his face and goes back to what he was doing before kiara asked if he was okay. 

Kiara Knows he's lying he doesn't want to admit something is wrong in case they judge him but he knows they won't but he's too scared to ask. 

Hmm, okay baby. Kiara finishes while going back to her can of beer and joining in the conversation with the others. 

Umm. I'll be back guys. JJ rushes out, as he looks at his phone and gets up from his seat and abandons his drink which is now on the table. 

All the guys says okay and goes back to talking and drinking, kiara doesn't believe him and goes to follow him and tells the guys, they all say what they said to JJ and goes back to what they were doing. 

Kiara can hear the door open and shut, she quickly goes over and rushes to the door but before she can anything, JJ jumps on his motorcycle and rushes off, she knows she won't be able to do anything so she just goes back inside to the rest of them. 

They all carry on talking, while kiara works out why he just bolted off like that without telling her of all people. She's his girlfriend for goodness sakes. 

Kiara hears a motorcycle pull up indicating it's JJ she goes to get up but stops himself in case he's in a bad mood or something happened and he doesn't wanna talk in front of the group. 

Kiara hears the door open and shut loudly, heavy footsteps bring the group out of their conversation. 

JJ is standing their tears brimming in his eyes, with cuts and a bleeding lip. 

It all clicks for kiara as she figures out why he bolted off and why he wasn't talking as much, he was texting his dad. 

Kiara is the one to stand and wraps her arms around his neck and brings him in for a warm sweet hug and she can feel his body tremble and a few loud sobs leave his lips, as kiara tightens her grip, JJ does the same and just sobs and sobs. 

All the others are gobsmacked at what they witness and just leave it to kiara to sort it out. 

Shhh, shhh baby it's okay you're safe with me, just let it out bubba. Kiara whispers gently, as she threads her fingers through his hair to try and calm him down. 

JJ's sobs become quieter and small sniffles, as he relaxes in his girlfriends grip, and closes his eyes.

Kiara notices his body is no longer trembling and no longer sobbing just quiet tears and sniffles and can feel all his tension dissipating in her arms. 

Hey baby, how you feeling? Kiara asks after awhile. 

I'm exhausted. JJ replies while still in kiara's arms. 

Aww baby I'm so sorry, do you want to go home and sleep to snuggle up in bed. Kiara says as she tucks a piece of his hair behind his ear. 

Hmm, I'll love to do that baby. JJ responds as he stands up straight and walks to the front door, while kiara gets all their things together and say bye and sorry for leaving early, they all understand and she makes her way out to her boyfriend who is in the passenger seat leaning against the window. 

Kiara places their things in the trunk and gets in the car and starts the Engine to go home, she notices her boyfriend trying to sleep but he fought his eyes. 

Hey baby, you know you can fall asleep I'll wake you when we're home. Kiara says as she glances over to her lover, then back onto the road. 

Okay thank you baby. JJ responds already asleep on the window. 

No worries bubba. Kiara responds as she drives on the highway to their home. 

Kiara drives down their road and pulls up to the house and parks the car in the driveway, and turns the engine off and wakes up JJ. 

Baby, hey we're home bubba. Kiara says as she taps his shoulder softly. 

JJ groans and looks at her with tired eyes and he makes his way out of the car and into the house. While kiara grabs their stuff out of the trunk and places it down on the glass table near their door and drops her keys and walks in to meet her boyfriend who is in their room face down on the bed snoring softly. 

Kiara makes her way to the bed and gently takes off his trainers and places them down on the floor, kiara notices he already got into his pyjamas.

She makes her way back in bed and pulls the covers after tucking JJ in bed he instantly moves his head to her chest while she plays with his head. JJ falls asleep with this motion. 

Kiara places a kiss on the top of his head has leans back against the wall and falls asleep with him in her arms sleeping peacefully. 

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