JJ's Dad missing part 1

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JJ was walking around the block, as he needed to clear his head, as he was walking he saw his dad's door wide open, which was unusual.

JJ rushed to the door and pulled out his gun, and headed inside.

JJ's eyes dotted around the room and saw blood stains on the floor, he also saw a piece of paper on the table.

JJ placed his gun back into his pants and pick up the paper and it read.

Dear JJ,

If you're reading this it means I got your dad, he's okay for now, but I want my cash.

Drop it at the point at the wreck, no cash no dad .

Goodbye for now.


JJ's eyes started watering as he dropped the note, and took out his phone and dialled  his wife Kiara.

Ring ring ring

Hi baby, what's up? Kiara spoke through her phone.

Umm, my dad has been kidnapped, can you all come over please. JJ speaks with a tear rolling down his cheek.

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry baby, of course give me a minute, and we'll be over, hang tight baby. We're coming. Kiara spoke quickly.

Okay baby. JJ says brokenly as they end their conversation.

Guys, we need to go to Luke's house immediately!! Kiara shouts, as she makes her way to the group.

What, why is JJ okay? They all ask her.

It's not JJ this time, it's luke he's been kidnapped, let's get a move on guys!! Kiara shouts as she pours away their beers and grabs her things, and places her coat on.

Well shit, let's go guys! They all exclaim, as they all get up and grab their things and follow Kiara to the Twinkie.

They all arrive at Luke's, and Kiara hops out before John B parked.

KIE WAIT!! They all shout as they all run to her.

Kie walks in to find her husband sobbing in his hands as he walks around the room, unaware that Kiara is behind him.

Bubba, I'm here. Kiara walks up to him and just takes his hands off his face gently and brings him to her shoulder.

Shhhhh, baby I got you, you're safe, we're gonna find him okay. Kiara spoke as she could feel him tremble under her, she took off his cap and massaged his curls, to calm him down.

They all walk in and find their friends in each others arms, JJ sobbing into her shoulder.

Awww, I feel so bad for them and JJ. Sarah whispered sadly.

All the others agree, as they all walk over and join their hug, letting JJ cry on all of them.

They all break apart, accept for Kiara who JJ is still clinging too, small cries leave him.

Shhhh, it's okay, I know you miss him baby, I know, cry as much as you want to, I'm here, and we're all going nowhere, I promise. Kiara replied with a smile, even though she knew he couldn't see her.

JJ breaks apart from the hug, and leaned against her shoulder and closes his eyes.

What do we know JJ? Pope says nicely, worried about his best friend from 3rd grade.

JJ opens and rubs his eyes and speaks to all of them.

Well, I was walking around the block, and I spotted my dad's door open, and I walked in, and spotted blood stains on the floor, note on the table as well from Barry.

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