Mickey, iain and Nina visit the Pogues!

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It was morning when they all woke up, and they all got ready to go back to outerbanks. 

Baby, you seen my phone? John B asked, as he went looking for it. 

Sarah stopped packing, and said it's in your hand. 

Haha, baby it's in your hand. Sarah chuckled. 

John B noticed his phone was in his hand, he was such a dumbass. 

Just as John B was gonna talk, Nina wandered in. 

Umm, auntie Sarah! Nina spoke up, as she climbed on the bed. 

Sarah was zipping up her suitcase, then handed it to John B. 

Yes sweetie. Sarah replied.

Are we going to see uncle JJ and auntie Ki Ki? Nina questioned. 

Yes we are girly! Sarah exclaimed. 

Eeee, yay! Nina screams in joy.

Haha, alright missy, you finished packing? Iain spoke, as he wandered in.

Yes daddy! Nina groaned out.

Good girl munchkin! Mickey whispered, as he wandered in too, and ruffled his daughter's hair.

Ahhh, daddy! Nina giggled.

They all wandered out, and said bye to Fiona who was eating breakfast. 

Bye guys!! Fiona shouted, as she got up, and hugged John B and Sarah. 

Aww, bye Fi nice meeting you! Sarah exclaims, as she wandered outside, 

You too Sarah!! Fiona called out.

Bye sis! JB hugged his sister in law. 

Bye man!! Fi answered.

Bye Fiona!! Iain hugged her too. 

Bye bro! Fiona chuckled.

Yep, bye dumbass! Fiona joked, to Mickey.

Haha, bye bitch!! Mickey joked as well. 

They all walked out, and drove to the airport.

They all arrived, and walked in to the airport. 

Ooh, is that our plane daddy? Nina asked Iain. 

It sure is munchkin, we just need to check in. Iain responded, as he picked up Nina.

They all went to check in, and the receptionist gave them their plane tickets.

Ooh, it's freezing!! Sarah whispered. 

Ohh, suck it up buttercup! Mickey joked. 

I could kick your ass, if I wasn't cold Mickey. Sarah laughs, 

Haha, very funny, bro wanna back me up? Mickey asked. 

Haha, sorry bro, but my wife could indeed kick your ass! JB joked.

Umm, guys? Let's maybe get on our plane? Iain said, as he interrupted the conversation.

Oops, sorry baby. Mickey laughed.

They all boarded the plane after they checked in their tickets with the attendants. 

I wanna sit next to auntie Sarah daddy! Nina asked.

Haha, sure baby girl. Mickey said. 

They all found their seats, John B on the end, Nina in the middle, and Sarah next to the window, then Mickey and Iain on the next side. 

After about 4 hours, they landed in outerbanks! 

They all got up, and Nina was holding Sarah's hand. 

We're finally in outerbanks!! Sarah inhaled the scent. 

Let's get a taxi! John B, said, as they all got into the taxi.

That will be $40 please Mate. The driver replied. 

Yep, here you go. John B said, as he gives the money. 

Thanks! The driver replied, as he drove off.

This is our humble abode!! Sarah explained, as she walked up the steps. 

Woah, Nice job bro! Mickey and Iain remarked. 

Thanks! John B replied, as he walked in with his wife.

The rest of them walked in.

Kiara heard voices, so she got up, and took a look, and saw Sarah, John B, two guys, and a little girl.

Oh.my.god!!! Sarah!! John B!! Guys!! Kiara ran to them, and bought them in a tight hug.

The others, came out, and Immediately went to join the hug.

Mickey cleared his throat.

Oh yeah, guys, this is my brother Mickey, his husband Iain and their daughter Nina! John B smiled.

Awww, hi guys!! They all said. 

So, we need to tell you guys something. Sarah said. 

Okay? They all said, as they retrieved to the room. 

They all sit down, and wait for Sarah to speak. 

So, you know when we went to el dorado? Sarah asks.

They all nod their heads yes. 

Well, we umm, found the gold. John B finishes. 

They're all in shock at what their friends just said. 

I'm sorry what now? Pope asked.

We. Found. The. Gold. Sarah reiterated.

They all scream in happiness, as they hug each other. 

I actually can't believe this is happening!! JJ remarks.

 I know right? Kiara finished.

They all sit down and talk to each other about how they found the gold. 

Hi My Readers!!

I enjoyed writing this storyline!! 

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Until next time!

~ stay safe 😊

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