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Attention All Passengers, we have now landed in Chicago Airport, so make sure you have all your luggage with you, and wait for the seatbelt setting to turn Green.

Sarah, baby wake up. JB whispers.

Sarah groans quietly, and stirs, she eventually wakes up. 

Mmmm, hi bubba! Sarah stretches and yawns. 

Haha, hello! JB laughs. 

They wait till the seatbelt setting turns Green. Which allows them to take off their seatbelts. 

The light turns Green, and they take off their seatbelts. 

Oh baby, the luggage? Sarah reminds him as they get up. 

John B was so glad that Sarah reminded him of the luggage, If he forgot it, Sarah would be so mad at him. 

Here we are baby!! JB said, as he comes back down. 

Thanks bubba! Sarah exclaimed.

No worries! JB smiled. 

They both got off the plane, and went downstairs.

Sweet home Chicago!! JB replies. 

You can say that again!! Sarah remarked. 

Sweet home c- JB said again, but noticed his wife giggling.

What's so funny baby? JB raises an eyebrow. 

Sarah was so upset that her husband didn't know that she was being sarcastic.

Aww, baby I was being sarcastic, didn't really want you to say it again.

Sarah saw the wheels turning in his head, but then he figured it out. 

Ohhh, I get it. JB chuckled. 

They both giggled, as they made their way to the airport. 

They went through luggage check in, and x ray. 

They then walked out the airport, and saw a tall man, with two tattoos on his knuckles, with a blue pick up truck. 

John B knew straight away that the man was his brother. 

Who's that baby? Sarah asked. 

He's ummm, my brother. JB whispered.

Sarah was shocked to say the least, that was Mickey Malkovich, John B's brother. 

The couple walked over to him, and said they're hellos. 

Well, well, hello Pancake. Mickey giggled. 

Sarah didn't know what he meant by "pancake" but she was bound to find out.

Ummm, what's pancake? Sarah asked the boys. 

It's ummm, what he used to call me Sarah, once I had some pancakes, and they went all over me, so the nickname stuck. JB laughed lightly.

Ohhh, right. Sarah stated.

So, little bro, who's this hot girl?  Mickey asked, as he looked at Sarah.

Bro don't. JB warned. 

This "hot girl" is the girl who is with your brother, so I suggest you back off. Sarah smiled. 

John B was shocked by Sarah's answer, and surprised that this made his brother silent. 

Okay, okay, chill your ass. Mickey giggled. 

John B have had enough of his brother's remarks, so he decided to put a stop to it.

Okay, guys chill, let's go. JB said ending the conversation with his wife, and brother.

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