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It was night time for the routledge's, Michael was sleeping his crib with a pacifier in his mouth snoring softly, it was a peaceful night until John B was screaming in pain. 

Ahhh. John B screams and pulling at his ears. 

Sarah woke up to her husband crying his eyes out and pulling at his ears. 

Hey baby. Hey what's wrong bubba? Sarah asks gently. 

M-my e-ears hurt so b-bad. John B whimpered. 

Aww baby, I'm so sorry. Sarah soothes as she takes his hands out of his ears gently and shushes him softly and pulls him in her lap gently, she gently moved his head down into her lap, going through his hair and massaging his sore ear. 

John B whimpers but soon relaxes and leans into his soft wife's arms. 

Does that help a bit a bubba? Sarah asks still doing her motions. 

Mmm. John B only mutters out forcing his eyes open. 

Hey, hey baby don't force yourself awake it will hurt more, just relax and go to sleep, I got you.

Kay. John B whispers letting his wife take care of him. 

Sarah looks over at their son who is still sleeping softly and doing little snores, glad he didn't wake up to his dad screaming. 

Sarah then continues her motion on his head and ears and soon he falls into a deep sleep. 

John B wakes up and whimpers again this time more louder, and this eventually wakes up Michael who is screaming as well, she realises she can't take care of them both, so she sends JJ a quick message to help, with kie,

Hi JJ, 

John B is sick with a throbbing earache and Michael is crying because of the loud screams of John B, could you come over with Kie while I take John B to the hospital. 

Sarah x

Sent 24:30 

Sarah places her phone down and waits for JJ to text back while picking up Michael and rocks soothingly, and goes up to her husband and rubs his back gently. 

Shh it's okay baby, I called JJ and he's coming over with Kie. Sarah says as she rocks s crying baby in her arms, her phone pings and it's from JJ.

O-okay. John B mutters out. 

New message from JJ

Hi Sarah, 

Of course we'll come over, give us 10 minutes and we'll be over. 

J x 

Sent at 24:38

Sarah is so glad she has friends like them, she notices her baby boy is asleep, so she places him in his cot. 

John B is asleep as well so she goes downstairs as she hears the doorbell indicating it's JJ and Kiara. 

Sarah opens the door and welcomes them in. 

Hi Sarah. JJ and Kiara exclaims. 

Hi guys, Sarah says quietly 

So where's the cry baby, JJ teases softly as he looks around the room. 

Haha, he's umm upstairs. JJ laughs softly, as they all ascend the stairs into the room. 

When they get in they see Michael on the railings standing up and babbling away to his dad who can't hear him. 

All of them laugh, as Sarah walks up and coos softly to him. 

Oh you cheeky monkey did you wanna see auntie & uncle. Sarah explains softly. 

Eee ya ya, goo goo mama. Michael babbles as Sarah walks him to kie and JJ who have adorable faces on. 

There's my little munchkin! JJ exclaims softly and takes him in his arms and coos softly. 

Aww hi my little bluebird. Kiara replies softly. 

Kie kie!, Michael babbles to her and JJ. 

Okay this has been nice, but I am here you know guys. John B says as he wakes up and walks over to his son. 

Ahh. There you are you little pumpkin! Getting all the attention. John B chuckles softly. 

Hey man, how ya doing. JJ asks as he hands his nephew to Sarah. 

Yeah how ya feeling JB? kiara pipes up. 

Good I guess, John B says as he rubs his sore ear. 

Yeah let's go come on babe. Sarah says as she laces up her shoes and ties her up in a bun. 

Bye my baby muffin. Sarah coos as she presses a soft kiss to his head. 

Bye bud. John B says too and places a wet kiss on his head. 

Have fun guys. JJ teases as he watches his girl sing to Michael. 

Yep bye guys. They all say. 

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