Jiara fight

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It was the afternoon and Sarah and John B were meeting up with Kiara and JJ.

Hey guys! Sarah stated with a smile, but soon turned into a frown at the sight of their friends arguing. 

What's up their asses? JB asked. 

No idea baby, let's go see. Sarah suggested, they walked over to the arguing couple.  

OMG, Kiara you don't know shit! JJ shouted out.

Maybe, but what I do know is that your dad is an abusive father and you can't see it. Kiara states. 

The couple just stood there watching their best friends argue about JJ's dad, Kiara has a valid point, Luke wasn't a father to JJ at all. 

Oh really, I can't see it? JJ asked. 

Yes, you can't see it, when he hits you, verbal abuses you, you need to confront your father JJ. Kiara says leaving no room for an argument. 

Yeah, b-. JJ gets cut off by John B, who put a stop to the whole fight. 

Okay guys! Chill. JB remarks.

You know what? I'm just gonna go, all by myself. JJ suggests, as he walks through the woods.

Kiara goes to follow him, but gets stopped by John B. 

Let him go, he's doing a JJ thing, he'll be back. John B remarks. 

Yeah, JB's right kie, let's go surfing till he's back. Sarah suggested.

Yeah, hopefully. Kiara states sadly, as they all picked up their boards and headed to the waves. 

JJ ends up in his home, where he sees his dad working on his motorcycle, he knows this is gonna end in a punch-up. 

Hi dad. JJ said nervously as he walks up. 

Oh, knew you'd be getting a little bit hungry. Luke speaks like he doesn't care.

I'm staying with John B, I'm well fed, don't worry. JJ says sarcastically.

Don't care what you're up to or where you're staying, you got any money for me boy? Luke asks eagerly. 

JJ knew this moment was coming, but truth be told he didn't have any money on him, and he'll be sent home with cuts and bruises. 

Umm, I um, don't have any on me dad. JJ speaks shakily. 

What do you mean? Luke stops what he's doing and faces his son.

I don't have any m-money. JJ whispered, but Luke could still hear him. 

Luke angrily gets up and yanks JJ by the hair and shoves him against the wall, and verbally and physically abuses him. 

You owe me 20K you little shit. Luke shouts at his face. 

B-but I don't have I-it. JJ whimpered out. 

Then get me it boy, and don't come back until you have it. Luke threatened. 

JJ had silent tears streaming down his face, as he made a run for it, and now he sees what his dad is now capable of, this just proved his point. 

Where the hell is he!! Kiara spoke up as she paced up and down the hallway. 

I don't know, let me send him a text. JB piped up, as he pulled out his phone, and texted JJ.

Okay. Kiara said worriedly.

It's okay kie, this is JJ we're talking about. Sarah reassures, but it didn't do much. 

Hi J

Where are you, Kiara is panicking, and we're all worried, text me or any of us to make sure you're okay.

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