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It was Michael's first day at daycare and he was so nervous about making friends.

Michael time to wake up baby. Sarah whispered gently as she rubbed his back to wake him up.

Ugh, no mummy, me don't wanna to daycare. Michael spoke annoyed.

Aww, bubba but you have to sweetie, you'll make great buddies. Sarah encouraged.

But what if they don't wanna play with me? Michael looked down.

Sarah knew her baby boy was scared to go to daycare and was scared he wouldn't make any friends.

Aww baby boy, well mummy thought I wouldn't but in the end I did, I met auntie Kie she was my best friend, then we Eventually became sisters. Sarah explained.

Really? Michael questioned as he looked at his mummy.

Yes, buddy it's true, then she met me. JB said as he entered the room.

Wow. Michael shouted.

The couple laughed at their sons reaction.

So you wanna go to daycare now? Sarah asked her little boy.

Michael nodded his head eagerly, and he got his clothes on and backpack and raced to the door.

Okay let's go buddy! John B laughed.

The trio all got into the car and drove off to daycare, they all arrive at the daycare and Sarah took Michael in with John B.

Hi welcome to the outerbanks daycare how may how I help you guys today! The nice lady said with a smile.

Hi ma'am, we're here to drop off our son Michael Booker routledge. Sarah replies softly with a smile on.

Awww, okay let's see if we can find you on the spreadsheet. The lady replies as she looks on the spreadsheet.

Ahh, here we are Michael Booker routledge. Carol replies.

Hi I'm miss sawyer, I'll be your lovely son's teacher. The teacher replies.

Awww, that's sweet to say. JB sweetly replies.

You ready bud to go with miss sawyer? Sarah questioned softly.

Y-yes. Michael said shyly as he hugged both of them.

Bye mummy and daddy. Michael replies as he walks in with miss sawyer.

Aww, bye my little runner bean. John B replies softly.

Bye baby bear. Sarah whispered sweetly.

Hi kids, there will be a student joining us, his name is Michael so be extra nice to him okay kids. Miss sawyer replies as Michael walks in with a small teddy.

H-hi I'm Michael. Michael shyly whispered. 

Okay Michael here's your seat next to Alison. Miss sawyer replies as she walks back to the board. 

Okay class we're going to be doing colouring, so the paper and pens are in the middle of the table. Have fun guys! Miss sawyer exclaims. 

Hi Alison. Michael says with a small smile. 

Hi brat. Sarah says with a small sarcastic smile, as she placed her colouring on the table. 

Michael thought he would be making friends, not getting bullied by them, he wanted his mummy and daddy. 

Alison stole one his colours and used it on her picture. 

Hey! that's mine give it back. Michael whispered out. 

Oh. Okay here you go child. Alison laughs as she threw it across the room. 

The pen flies and miss sawyer spotted it straight away. 

ALISON DAVIS! Miss sawyer shouted and the whole class was silent. 

How dare you bully Michael, what has he done to you? Hmm, oh nothing, you will treat him with respect in the future please. Miss sawyer said sternly.

Y-yes miss. Alison retorted out. 

Good, thank you Alison. oh your parents are here Michael darling. Miss sawyer responded with a small smile. 

Michael got up straight away and ran to his mummy and daddy. 

MUMMY, DADDY. Michael eagerly shouted. 

Woah, hey baby bear. Sarah softly whispers.

Hey, runner bean. John B replies sweetly. 

How was school bubba? Sarah asks nicely, but was surprised when her baby cuddled closer to her side, something obviously happened in daycare. 

Mr and mrs Routledge. Miss sawyer asked. 

They all nodded their heads for her to go on. 

Well, one of our students were bullying young Michael with a pen.it flung across the room and landed in my view. miss sawyer spoke sadly.

Sarah and John B were filled with anger, how can someone do this to their young sweet and kind son, who just wants to make friends. 

WHAT! John B whispers with anger. 

I'm so sorry guys, Michael wasn't following the instructions from the student, which is a good thing, as that will become more vigilant in the future.

I'm sorry but you need to keep a closer eye on your students when our son is in there. Sarah replies with a hint of anger laced in her voice. 

John B was proud of his girl standing up to the teacher, that is something what he would do, but he left it to Sarah. 

Let's go babe. JB said as he carried Michael in his arms and made silly noises and swung him around gently. 

Hahaha, daddy stoppppp. Michael giggles. 

Sarah was happy to see her baby boy and her husband playing around. 

Okay monkey's let's go home before we get run over. Sarah giggled as they all raced to their car. 

I won! Sarah exclaims. 

Nuh uh, we won fair and square in the race. JB said proudly. 

Oh yeah, wait and see in bed. Sarah laughs. 

Michael makes grossed faces as he covered his eyes and ends up walking into the tree.

Umm, mummy and daddy. Michael muffles out 

Sarah and JB laugh softly at their son in a tree.

Oh baby boy, Let's go home. 

They all get home and have dinner, then bed. 

Hi my readers!

Thanks so much for reading and voting my stories, this means so much. 

I'm stuck on suggestions so drop some in the comments!

Stay safe! 

See you when I see you. 

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