Asthma Attack

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It was all the Pogues at the wreck, they were all eating Lunch, until something happened. 

John B felt his chest get tighter as he talked, he thought is this an Asthma attack. 

After about 20 minutes, John B could hardly get air in, he was sweating, and panting. 

Sarah looked at her husband, and smiled, but that smile soon turned to a worried face, as she saw John B close to fainting. 

"JOHN B". Sarah shouted. 

All the others were worried about their best friend who looks like he's having an Asthma attack. 

"Buddy, have you got your inhaler?" JJ asked, as he searched in John B's bag. 

"N-No." John B managed to say. 

Oh my god, shit!!" Pope shouted. 

Sarah thought of something what would help get his breath back. 

"Kie, does your dad have a mask or med kit?" Sarah asked, as she rubbed John B's Back. 

"U-Umm, yes. a mask for emergencies". Kiara answered. 

"Perfect, grab that, and grab a bottle in the kit if you have one, It's called nebulizer liquid, and place 1 drop of it in the mask. Sarah ordered. 

"Got it". Kiara ran off to find it, and do what she was told. 

"Just take some nice breaths baby, in and out. Sarah instructed. 

John B copied Sarah's breathing, it helped for a bit, then Kiara came back with the stuff. 

"Got the stuff" Kiara gave the mask to Sarah, who placed it over his nose and mouth. 

"Nice easy breaths baby, Is that helping a bit?" Sarah asked softly. 

Yes, I feel so much better. John B smiled. 

They all cheered, thankful that their friend is better. 

They all went home, and laughed. 

Hi My Readers!!

Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile college is kicking my ass. 

Hope you liked this part!!

Vote, comment. 

~ Stay safe

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