JJ sick at night

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It was night for Kiara and JJ, they were peacefully sleeping until they got woken up.

JJ felt all weird all night, could have been something he ate?, could he have been nervous? JJ was asleep until his stomach gurgled loudly, He bolted out of bed and raced to the bathroom.

JJ was puking in the bowl, sweat dripping off him and his whole face turned pale as he was puking his guts up.

Kiara heard the sound of puking, she reached her hand out to JJ's but she was met with a cold wet patch of sweat on the bed. Kiara noticed a light in the bathroom she knew it was JJ.

Kiara made her way to the bathroom, she knocked lightly to see if he would answer but was met with a gag from the other side.

Baby? Kiara voiced through the door.

No response

Baby I'm coming in okay. Kiara voices again as she went to open the door but it was locked, so she used one of her night hair clips and picked the lock and made it click.

Kiara opened the door to find her husband on the floor shaking and sweating in a fetal position as she walked in, she placed a hand on his shoulder notifying him she was there and not going anywhere.

Awww baby, is your tummy hurting you, or anything? Kiara whispered as she used her hand on his back and rubbing it gently.

M-my b-back hurting and head. JJ whimpered out before he was back on the toilet puking.

Aww bubba, it's okay, just let it out baby, I'm here, I'll look after you. Kiara whispered out.

JJ just nods his head.

Okay, you think your done baby? Kiara asked softly.

Mmhmm. JJ whispers out but enough for Kiara to hear.

Kiara helped JJ up and flushed the toilet, also helped him brush his teeth and washed his face to get all the puke out, Kiara took his night shirt off and placed it in the laundry basket, and placed a new one over him.

All done baby. Kiara congratulated.

Thanks baby. JJ smiled as he went to bed with Kiara.

Kiara and JJ both got in bed, JJ lied down on her lap while she massaged his blonde hair. While one hand under his shirt rubbing softly.

That feels nice. JJ mumbles out while his eyes are closed.

That's good baby, just relax yourself and sleep I'll take care of you. Kiara spoke quietly.

JJ relaxes all his muscles and lets his wife take care of him. 

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