John B's long lost brother!

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it was one afternoon, and John B was on the phone to his brother Mickey Malkovich, and Sarah was sorting out her wardrobe. 

Mickey, I told you. John B shouted on the phone. 

Sarah heard her husband shouting, and closed her wardrobe, then wandered into the hall. 

Mick, I can't, I got-. John B get cut off by Mickey shouting . 

Okay, okay, we'll come chill. JB calms Mickey down. 

Yep, okay, bye Mick. JB spoke up. 

John B ends the call, and places his phone back into his pocket, 

Who was that baby? Sarah asked, as she came closer. 

Oh umm, my brother. JB whispered. 

Sarah didn't know that John B had a brother, he mentioned him a couple times. 

Oh wow. Sarah exclaimed.

Yeah, I know right? John B stated. 

Yeah, I Sarah stuttered still in shock. 

He wants us to go to Chicago, to visit him, husband and his daughter. John B explained. 

Well, let's go to Chicago then? Sarah replies, as she wanders back into their room to pack. 

John B was shocked, that his girl wants to see his brother in Chicago.

Wait..really? John B asked to make sure, as he wandered into the room. 

Sarah was taking clothes out of the wardrobe, but stopped when she answered his question. 

Yes, I wanna see where you used to live, how it was, lots more. Sarah spoke up, as she went back to packing.

Haha, not much to know, but okay baby. JB Chuckled as he packed his things as well. 

They both chuckled, as they zipped up their bags, and walked out of the room, downstairs, and locked their front door, before hopping in the car. 

I'll let Mickey know babe! JB suggested, as he got his phone and dialled him.

Yo Mickey,  hey we're on our way. John B replies. 

Yep, aww I can't wait to see you guys too. John B stated.

Okay, see you later Mick. JB spoke up, as he ended the call.

Sarah was driving to the Airport. 

Everything good bubba? Sarah asked, as she parked.

Yep, all good. JB smiled. 

The couple both got out, and walked into the airport.

Wow, big airport. JB exclaimed. 

I know right? Sarah replies, as they walked to check in. 

Welcome to North Carolina Airport, how may I help you? The lady replies. 

Morning, we're here to check in. Sarah replies.

Of course! Can I have the name it's under please? The lady asked. 

Yeah. It's under Cameron, Sarah cameron. Sarah replies. 

Ahh, there you are, here are your boarding passes. The lady smiled. 

Sarah and John B took their passes, and said thank you to the lady.

Thank you!! The couple said their thanks. 

 No worries! Have a safe flight. The lady called out. 

The couple went to their boarding gate, and saw their plane to Chicago.

There's our plane baby! John b piped up, as they walked to their plane, and boarded.

They gave the attendant their passes, and poured them in the economy class. 

John b placed their luggage up in the holders, then sat down.

All done baby? Sarah asked, as she snuggled into his shoulder.c

Yep! John B answered, as he played with her hair 

Sarah fell asleep, so did John B until they landed in Chicago.

Hi My Readers!!

There's 3 parts!!

I'll be them tomorrow, so comment suggest, and vote. 

Until next time!

~ stay safe 😊

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