Post depression

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It was night time, and John B was still at work and she was struggling with Michael. 

Shhhh baby, it's okay mama's got you, shhhh calm down Bubba. Sarah whispers softly. 

Sarah pats Michael's small butt, and swiftly rocks him from side to side, trying to get him to sleep, but It didn't work unfortunately. 

Sarah was exhausted, mentally and physically, she couldn't wait till John B was back home. 

Shhhh, bubba mama's got you, it's okay, just calm down sweetheart. Sarah shushes gently. 

Sarah sat down on the rocking chair, and looked down at her baby boy sleeping finally, 

Sarah fell asleep too, exhausted, from all the crying and being up all night.

John B walked in and called out to his wife. 

Baby? John B voices 

No response. 

Sarah? John B spoke as he went upstairs to search for his missing wife. 

John B saw a light on in their son's bedroom and as he opened the door, his heart melted, as his wife and son were sleeping on the chair. 

John B grabbed a blanket and threw it over them gently.

John B kissed both their heads, and wandered out the room and closes the door softly. 

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