John B in ICU

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The pogues are all going to the hospital to see their brother and husband John B who is awake in hospital in the icu after sustaining fatal injuries but luckily John B made it through, their all in the Twinkie arriving at the hospital. 

They all get out of the Twinkie and race through the doors eager to see their friend, once they get in they go to the reception desk where they get met with a nurse named Annie. 

Welcome to the outer banks hospital how may I help you kids today. The nurse spoke politely. 

Hi we're here to visit John B routledge, he was bought in yesterday. Kiara replied same tone. 

Are you friends or family? The nurse asked.

We're his family. They all replied. 

Okay He is icu 101, take the stairs through the double doors in front of you and then take a left down the hall and it's to the right. The nurse said respectfully. 

Thank you. The guys said 

They all do what the nurse said, and end up in John B's room. 

There hearts break a little when they see John B, he looks weak with bruises and cuts covered up with bandages and plasters and he has a massive cast across his chest and stomach, but on a good note, no longer intubated and he's asleep but on his own free will.

They all walk in and knock lightly on the door, John B awakes by the sound and moves his hand to them to enter, they took that as a signal and walked in.

Hi guys. John B says in a scratchy voice. 

Hey and yo's go around the room.

Sarah takes this moment to go sit with him on his bed and cuddles into his side, being cautious about his bandages around him. 

So buddy, how you feeling. JJ asked. 

Yeah how ya feeling bro. Kiara pipes up. 

Umm. Well as good as can be expected, pain here and there but so far so good, how you guys? John B replies

Umm. Well you know smoking, drinking and chilling out at the chateau, normal stuff. Sarah spoke. 

Oh right, cool. John B was going to say something until a nurse walked in and ruined the conversation. 

Oh hi kids, sorry I have to give John B his medicine, they do make him sleepy, so maybe come back tomorrow, the nurse replied softly as she was going round and upping his dose. 

Awww. Okay well we'll see you tomorrow then Jb, stay strong. JJ exclaimed. 

Yep bye guys. John B said tiredly, the medication already kicking in. 

They all left I'm the Twinkie going back to the chateau. 

Happy they all got to John B even if is a short while. 

Until next time guys 

The next chapter is going to be more exciting. 

Stay safe 

Remember leave comments and suggestions below, let's get some ideas and more stories written. 

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