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It was the Pogues in their usual spot, they were all chatting and drinking, but Kiara wasn't joining in, this was unusual for her because JJ couldn't get her to stop talking as usual.

Baby, hey you ok? JJ spoke up as he stopped laughing.

Kiara didn't even hear him speak she was lost in her mind. 

Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine bubba. Kiara replies honestly.

Mhmm, ok. JJ spoke unsure as he met eyes with Sarah who had worry in her eyes. 

JJ just shrugged his shoulders in response, Sarah was worried about her best friend from 3rd grade. 

I'll just be a minute guys! Kiara pipes up as she takes her bag and walks to the bathroom. 

Okay's went around the room as they all got back to talking, apart from Sarah and JJ, who looked at each other with worried eyes. 

Kiara made it to the restroom, and locked the door and took out a sharp object, she sat down on the ground. 

Kiara silently cried, as she saw blood pouring out from her wrist. 

Kiara dropped the object as she heard someone walking down the hall, straight away she knew it was JJ. 

Kiara tried to stop the blood but it wasn't working. 

Baby? JJ spoke through the door. 

JJ was met with small sniffles and cries.

Baby, please talk to me, or open the door. JJ said softly. 

I'm so sorry J! Kiara whimpered. 

JJ knew straightaway what she was doing in there, it broke it his heart knowing his girl is self harming herself.

Awww, baby it's ok just tell me you're ok. JJ spoke worriedly. 

Kiara didn't say anything, just sniffled. 

JJ knew she was scared, and thought he would be mad at her, he really wasn't he was just scared what his girl is doing this for. 

Baby, I'm coming in okay. JJ spoke with worried laced in his voice. 

JJ picked the lock, with a clip what Kiara put in his hair for fun, he was so glad it was still there. 

JJ opened the door and saw his baby girl a mess on the floor, with a cut wrist, not too bad but not too serious for stitches. 

Aww kie, what happened baby? JJ spoke softly as he sat down and brought her on his lap and kissed her cheek and stroked her caramel locks. 

I-I'm n-not s-skinny. Kiara hiccuped as she buried her head in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. 

JJ's heart broke in two, he let a few tears run down his face, he always knew Kiara struggled with body imaging, she would throw up after every meal, go to the gym every day to get fit, when she was already fit, and just eat salads and say no to beer. 

Kiara, listen to me baby. JJ suggested as he picked her chin up gently. 

Kiara looked into his eyes with glossy eyes.

You are perfect the way you are, I love you no matter what your weight bubba, I'll love you till death do we part. JJ whispered. 

Kiara just sobbed more, she was so happy to have a husband like JJ and friends.

Aww baby, let it out, it's okay baby, I'm here. JJ spoke as he rubbed her back softly.

I-I'm s-sorry. Kie hiccuped no longer crying.

Baby, you have nothing to apologise for okay, nothing. JJ spoke with a small smile. 

Kiara just nodded her head. 

Let's get you cleaned up eh? JJ whispered. 

Y-yes please. Kiara whispered. 

Okay baby. JJ says as he helped her up and walk her to the sink to wash her hands softly. 

There we go all clean and better! JJ spoke as he placed a small plaster on his wife's wrist.

Thanks Baby. Kiara exclaimed, as she climbed down and walked out with JJ in tow. 

Sarah was the first person to hug her and nearly strangle her with her hug. 

I'm so glad you're okay girl! Sarah whispers in her ear. 

They all joined the hug. 

Kiara was so happy that she had friends like the Pogues, who would do whatever they could to protect their friends. 

Hi guys!!

I hope you're having a great day, hope you like this chapter, it was requested, so whoever requested this hope you like it! 

Drop some comments in the box and vote! 

Stay safe ~

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