Trauma/why aren't you eating baby?

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It was a day at the wreck, they were eating lunch, but JJ weren't eating, and this worried kiara, JJ always ate lunch. 

Hey, what's up baby? Kiara asked as she cleaned her mouth. 

All of them noticed JJ not eating his food, this concerned all of them, they all looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

What? I'm fine guys, concentrate on yourselves and not me. JJ said that a bit harshly than meant to. 

They all nodded, and continued eating and talking, accept from kiara who was worried about her husband, not eating his plate of food. 

Hey, you know you can talk to me right? Kiara asked to make sure. 

JJ knew he could to her and his best friends, the only reason he wasn't eating was because of his dad, his dad body shamed him, and he got forced to go to the gym, when he was perfectly healthy and fit. 

Yeah, I know I'm just not hungry baby, I'm fine, stop fussing over me. JJ said pissed off, with all the questions about him. 

Hmm, okay baby. Kiara said unsure. 

They all finished eating, and they noticed JJ hadn't even touched his burger which was still on the plate, not a single bite mark. 

Okay, I've let it slide for now, but cut the bullshit JJ! Kiara stands her ground.

OMG, what can't I be sick, or not hungry, huh? JJ argued. 

Kiara knew he was lying, so did the rest of them, JJ is a terrible liar, they always got in the lie and it turned out to be something worse than that. 

Baby, I'm saying this with love, you're terrible at lying, we all know. Kiara points out.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. 

JJ knew he was stuck in it now, he had to face up to it, so he decided to say the truth. 

I-I got an eating disorder. JJ whispered quietly. 

What was that baby? Kiara asked as they couldn't hear him.

I got an eating disorder okay! JJ shouted out a bit loud, and stormed out. 

Everyone was in shock and what just happened. 

OMG! Sarah spoke.

I know right! JB said as he lied back and taking in what just happened.

I'm gonna go check on him. Kiara piped up. 

They all said okay, still shocked by earlier. 

Kiara shouted out his name, and looked everywhere.

JJ!! Kiara shouted. 

Kiara turned a corner to see her husband breaking into tears against the tree.

Oh baby! Kiara muttered.

Kiara ran up to him, and immediately caught him, as he toppled over into her, sobbing. 

OMG, baby, hey, hey shhh it's okay, I got you bubba. Kiara whispered in his ear.

Kiara massaged his head, to try and calm him down a bit. 

Shhh, it's okay. Kiara soothed softly.

I-I'm n-not g-good f-for y-you! JJ whimpered out, as well as enjoying the soft massage on his head. 

Kiara's eyes were watering, how could he have thought he wasn't good for her, she loved him so much, are cared for him deeply. 

Aww baby, you're more than enough for me, I love you so much JJ, don't ever think I don't. Kiara explained.

JJ was so glad that kiara was good for him, and he is good for her, he didn't think so until kiara spoke before. 

Why have you got an eating disorder baby? Kiara questioned softly. 

I.. umm... well my dad made me feel like I ate too much, made me go to the gym every day, ended up in hospital once for lack of food and got sent home with a feeding tube. JJ was on the verge of tears. 

Kiara's eyes were now crying, she couldn't believe how cruel Luke was to his fit and lovely son, who just wanted a dad. 

Oh JJ, it's okay, you're safe with us, we won't let anything bad happen to you again. Kiara promised.

I know. JJ whispered.

Do you wanna go try and eat some food, it's okay if you don't want to, but maybe take a nibble? Kie suggested. 

Ummm, okay baby. JJ agreed.

They both went in to the wreck, and saw John b and Sarah talking, they noticed the other two were in the wreck, they both got up, and Sarah hugged JJ tightly, and JB gave him a bro hug.

I'm okay guys! JJ stated positively. 

They all accepted his answer, and made their way to the booth, JJ ate a new sandwich, which Mike gave after he was told what happened. 

They all finished and tried to pay, but Mike said it's on the house, they all thanked him, and went home. 

Hi my readers!!

This wasn't suggested, I wrote this, hope you guys like it. 

I also uploaded a request page, so feel free to share some suggestions in there or in this box on here. 

I'm also doing a Jiara wedding!!

So stay tuned for more updates.

~ stay safe

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